Reverend Larry J. Peacock is director of the Franciscan Spiritual Center, Milwaukie, Oregon. A trained spiritual director and retreat leader, Larry served for 11 years as director of Rolling Hills Retreat Center in Amherst, Massachusetts. In addition to being the author of The Living Nativity, Peacock is also the author of Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms, and Prayer Practices (Second Edition published by Skylight Paths, 2014; First Edition published by Upper Room Books, 2003). A retired United Methodist pastor, Rev. Peacock served churches in Manchester, England; Michigan; and California.
Peacock completed The Upper Room Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation and has served on the faculty for Five-Day and Two-Year Academies across the United States. He has a longtime interest in St. Francis of Assisi; in 2014 he went on pilgrimage to Assisi with Spiritual Directors International, and in 2018 he led a pilgrimage/retreat to Assisi with Sister Mary Jo Chavez. Rev. Peacock lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Rev. Anne Peacock, an author of several children's books and author of an Upper Room book on journaling. The Peacocks have two adult children, Trinity and Justice, and one grandchild, Lulu.