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Looking Inward, Living Outward

The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation  
Daniel Wolpert

Discover how spiritual practices can inspire social change. From the author of Creating a Life with God and Leading a Life with God comes a new book exploring how a life of prayer is inextricably connected with social transformation. Drawing from Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual director and pastor Daniel Wolpert describes 12 spiritual practices for individuals and communities that lead to justice and healing on earth as it is in heaven.

Speak, My Soul

Listening to the Divine with Holy Purpose  
Marsha Crockett

Our soul speaks … but can we hear it? In our noisy and overcrowded lives, it's often difficult to find the space to listen deeply to our own inner voice, let alone the voice of God. In Speak, My Soul, spiritual guide Marsha Crockett leads you through seven pathways for slowing down and discerning God's promptings in your daily life. Using the psalms as a spiritual roadmap, the journey will include seven weeks of daily meditations, prayers, practices, and prompts to help you enter and explore the quiet landscape of the soul, speaking to you even now.

One Breath At A Time

A Skeptic’s Guide to Christian Meditation  
J. Dana Trent
Meditation is a practice growing in popularity. Used to reduce stress and to increase relaxation, meditative practices invite us to bring mindful attention to body and breath. But how does meditation fit into Christianity, and how does it differ from prayer? One Breath at a Time: A Skeptic's Guide to Christian Meditation reframes meditation for those who are skeptical because (1) they doubt their ability to be still and quiet and (2) they doubt the validity of meditation as a Christian spiri...

Sacred Conversation

Exploring the Seven Gifts of Spiritual Direction  
Marsha Crockett
God created humans with the desire to both know others and be known. People weren't meant to go it alone on their spiritual journeys, and God has provided many fellow travelers to accompany us. Some of these fellow pilgrims—spiritual directors—are called to walk the spiritual path with others. The spiritual director, however, does not seek to tell their counterpart how to live out the faith. Instead, the spiritual director accompanies others on their spiritual journey and helps them discover ...

Everyday Contemplative

The Way of Prayerful Living  
L. Roger Owens
What does it mean to live a contemplative life? How does someone become contemplative? Does being contemplative mean sitting around thinking about God all day? Does it require living a simple or even austere life, like a monk or a nun? Roger Owens challenges readers to expand their definition of contemplative living to encompass all ways of seeking to be more open, available, and responsive to God. God may be found just as easily in an office cubicle, a donut shop, or a laundry room as in a m...

Finding Your Breath

An Introduction to Centering Prayer with Kara Lassen Oliver  
J. David Muyskens
Do you find yourself out of breath these days? Are you feeling anxious or unsettled? Or do you simply long for a more grounding awareness of God's presence in your ordinary days? The practices of Lectio Divina (sacred reading) and Centering Prayer are designed to calm our busy minds and bodies and focus our attention on the presence of God. Centering Prayer is a way of praying developed in the 1970s by Trappist monks William Meninger, M. Basil Pennington, and Thomas Keating. This more conte...


Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice  
Britney Winn Lee, Shane Claiborne
"This is a prayer book for revolution—a revolution of love and compassion and justice," Shane Claiborne writes in the foreword. The prayers in this collection are meant to be prayed in community. Rally is a prayer book for faith communities searching for words to respond to the injustices around them. It's a prayer book for Christian activists who believe in putting feet to their prayers. The book supplies words for concerned Christians who yearn to lift their voices to God about such issues ...

Still Praying After All These Years

Meditations for Later Life  
Susan Carol Scott
People in the later years of life face many changes, many that are not of their own choosing. Still Praying After All These Years offers 52 reassuring meditations that encourage readers to realize that their lives still have meaning and that aging holds opportunities for spiritual growth. Each meditation begins with a concern, question, or insight expressed in the author's conversations with people ages 75-100. In the Perspectives section, the author provides psychological and theological ins...