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Showing 1 - 10 of 28 results

Draw Close

A Creative Companion for Lent  

Experience scripture, God, and your faith in a fresh new way this Lenten season! In the interactive devotional Draw Close, Rev. Stephanie Dunn invites people of all faith levels and artistic skills into a creative daily practice that will deepen your faith and help you engage scripture anew. On each of the 40 days of Lent, Dunn introduces a word or phrase to ponder as you read scripture and pray, followed by a blank page for you to respond in whatever way you choose—sketching, doodling, poetry, journaling, or more. This unique Lenten companion for all ages can be used alone or with a group of others looking for new spiritual practices for drawing closer to God.

My Body Is Good

Giving Up Diet Culture and Embracing Body Positivity for Lent  
Anne Cumings
Author Anne Cumings recalls growing up in a culture that scrutinized her body as a source of weakness and sin. Her church warned of "slippery slides into debauchery," and modern culture taught her that she must look a certain way to be attractive, acceptable, even lovable—something to which most women will relate. Now, equipped with a body-positive mindset, she has created an engaging and uplifting study, My Body Is Good, to guide readers through a Lenten season of celebrating their bodies...

Unrevealed Until Its Season

A Lenten Journey with Hymns  
James C. Howell
Author James Howell believes in the power of song to teach spiritual truths. "Hymns embed faith into the marrow of the soul," he writes. In Unrevealed Until Its Season, Howell takes us on a 40-day journey through well-loved hymns. A meaningful Lenten devotional guide for individuals and small groups, Unrevealed Until Its Season is also a valuable resource and perfect gift for musicians as they prepare for worship, and for ministers as they lead worship. Weekly themes include Praising God, H...

Listening Through Lent

with James C. Howell and The Upper Room  
James C. Howell
Do you love hymns? Songs of faith shape our understanding of spiritual truths; they remind us who God is. When we listen to hymns, the music awakens our auditory imagination and embeds the words into our memories. Lingering in our hearts and minds, hymns offer a regular reminder of God's loving and compassionate presence with us. This artful combination of music and lyric is a great gift. Our Lenten eCourse, featuring James C. Howell's Unrevealed Until Its Season: A Lenten Journey with Hymns...

Walking in the Wilderness

Seeking God During Lent  
Beth A. Richardson
People of faith are struggling these days as they watch unbelievable events unfold. The United States, once a refuge for immigrants, has closed its borders to many of the world's most vulnerable citizens. Fear of people different from us has created an atmosphere of hatred, incivility, and violence. We are living in a time of wilderness and exile. Yet the wilderness is a familiar place for those who follow Jesus. Like Jesus, we spend 40 days in the wilderness. During Lent God calls us to exam...

Walking In The Wilderness

An Online Lenten Retreat with The Upper Room  
Beth A. Richardson
Living through social and political upheaval can sometimes feel a lot like wandering in exile through a spiritual desert. The Upper Room invites you to join us this Lent for an online retreat in which we will hold sacred space for one another and connect with God throughout each day. You may feel like you are walking in the wilderness, but you are not alone. The Holy Spirit travels with us. The book of Joel reminds us: "Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fa...

We Are Beloved

A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent
Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are. This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...

Divine Friendship

Reflections for Lent  
Russell Pollitt SJ, Anthony Egan SJ, Trevor Hudson, ...
Many of us spend our lives searching for something to satisfy our deepest longings. Yet we will never find complete satisfaction in human relationships, possessions, or personal power. As Saint Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you [God]." Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with God. The idea of being friends with God may intimidate some, but the authors of this book provide practical tips for developing a closer relationship with God...

Because of This I Rejoice

Reading Philippians During Lent  
For too long Lent has been thought of as a season of self-sacrifice and discipline that sounds to many Christians like a list of spiritual chores. Lenten disciplines become the spiritual equivalent of New Year's resolutions to lose weight, be healthier, or practice better money management. These promises are easily made and often quickly broken, leaving us feeling like we do not measure up to what we should be. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul joyfully turns to spiritual pra...

Easter Earthquake

How Resurrection Shakes Our World  
Have you ever been in an earthquake? Earthquakes shake our most basic assumptions: that the ground will remain steady beneath our feet, that the world's current existence is the way it will always be. But when tectonic plates shift under the earth's surface and the ground shakes beneath our feet, it rattles the bedrock assumptions on which we build our lives. The Gospel of Matthew reports that on the first Easter morning, an earthquake rocked the earth, ripped open the tomb, and scared the Ro...