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La oración de una viuda

Encontrar la gracia de Dios en los días venideros  
Nell E. Noonan
Las crisis de la vida amenazan nuestra estabilidad espiritual. La pérdida de un ser querido -se espere o no su muerte- es siempre traumática. El trauma de adaptarse a la nueva realidad de viuda mientras se enfrenta a una multitud de preguntas y decisiones urgentes puede ser abrumador. En este libro de 60 meditaciones, Nell Noonan comparte con franqueza sus experiencias en los 26 meses posteriores a la muerte de su marido. Describe su recorrido en el duelo como una jornada repleta de bendicion...

Espacios de calma

Momentos de oración para mujeres  
Patricia Wilson
La relación íntima con Dios que has anhelado está a tu alcance, a pesar del caos de hacer malabares con múltiples responsabilidades, tiempos límites y de las diferentes labores de tu vida estirada hasta el máximo. Con Espacios de calma puedes aprender a calmar tu mente y a escuchar la voz apacible y tranquila de Dios en medio de la turbulencia a tu alrededor. La escritora y conferencista profesional Patricia Wilson sabe lo que es luchar para encontrar algunos minutos para ella misma. A trav...

10 Life-Charged Words

Real Faith for Men  
Hey, guys. God has a question for you: Are you in, or are you out? If you've ever thought church was boring or irrelevant, or it seems like you're just going through the motions in your spiritual life, Derek Maul has news for you. God wants your life to be fulfilling, or more completely charged! Church is meant to be so much more than just one more social club. Toss aside your preconceived ideas about Christianity. Learn how to live a purpose-filled, exciting life in Christ. Maul, a popular c...

My Story, My Song

Mother-Daughter Reflections on Life and Faith  
Missy Buchanan, Lucimarian Roberts, Robin Roberts
My Story, My Song is the heartwarming memoir of the late 88-year-old Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts, mother of Good Morning America coanchor Robin Roberts. It details pivotal moments in Mrs. Roberts' life, revealing how faith in God gave her strength and hope to face the challenges of life. Good Morning America viewers came to know and love Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts. For many, the heartfelt connection began the day after Hurricane Katrina blew through the Gulf Coast. They eagerly watched as R...

Get Real

A Spiritual Journey for Men  
Finally, a book for men's spiritual development that actually starts with Jesus. Not lightly baptized Jungian archetypes. Not secular stereotypes that seek to present Jesus as a "man's man." This is good stuff. —John OrtbergPastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian ChurchAuthor of The Life You've Always Wanted What exactly does it mean to be a Christian in today's world? Particularly, what does it mean to be a Christian man in 21st-century American culture? Derek Maul, an award-winning columnist and ...

Get Real Leader's Guide

A Spiritual Journey for Men  
"Sometimes it's tough to accept the truth that God did not create us to take on this world alone. Sure, Jesus, works powerfully in our individual lives. But God typically achieves his most compelling work where two or three—or just a few more—are gathered together." Maul offers practical suggestions for a 10-week study of Get Real: A Spiritual Journey for Men. This Leader's Guide can be used in a number of ways: with small groups of 6-12 men who meet and study together on a regular basis wi...

Love Never Ends

Growing Together in Marriage and Faith  
Jeanette Lauer, Robert Lauer
"A threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). A relationship where God and spouses are entwined is as strong and resistant to stresses as a braided cord. "A stable, meaningful marriage is further strengthened by a shared spiritual journey," write the authors. "There's a reciprocal relationship between marital and spiritual growth. In our counseling, we often hear how joint faith is one of the most important factors in the vitality and stability of marriage." In Love Never Ends...