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We Are Beloved

A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent
Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are. This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...

Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer

A Simply Centered Advent  
Slow down, simplify, and add a burst of color to your Advent. The spiritual practice of coloring mandalas (circular designs), lighting candles, and praying regularly can help us stay centered on God during this busy time of year. Based on the 4 candles of the Advent wreath, this coloring book for adults weaves together the popular practice of coloring with 4 simple methods of contemplative prayer. This is more than just a coloring book for adults—it is also a visual prayer journal. Each chapt...

Spoken into Being

Divine Encounters Through Story  
Michael E. Williams
"Tell me a story." Countless parents and grandparents have heard that request from children. People of all ages are captivated by a good story. Storytelling helps us makes sense of the events of our lives, the world around us, and God. When we tell stories, we speak a world into being—just as God did in the creation accounts in the book of Genesis. "Everyone is a storyteller," says author Michael Williams. You don't have to be a professional storyteller to be able to tell good stories. In thi...

Praying with Mandalas

A Colorful, Contemplative Practice  
Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Have you ever thought of coloring as a way to pray? Pick up your colored pencils or crayons and discover a creative way to slow down and focus on God. Sharon Seyfarth Garner invites adults to color mandalas as an easy, enjoyable, and tangible way to "be with God on purpose." Praying with Mandalas blends the relaxing and contemplative practice of coloring with these ancient spiritual practices: Lectio divina (meditative reading of scripture) Intercessory prayer Centering prayer Examen (revie...

Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit

Whitney R. Simpson
Many of us long to hear God's voice, yet we often overlook the great wisdom God gave us in our bodies. There is a deep connection between our bodies and spirits. What might happen if we listened more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies? How might listening with our whole selves change the way we listen to God? A stroke at age 31 forced Whitney Simpson to slow down and listen more deeply to her body. In the process she discovered how to listen more deeply to God. During her journey of healing a...

One Day I Wrote Back

Interacting with Scripture Through Creative Writing  
Jane Herring
Do you struggle to relate the Bible to your daily life? Jane Herring wrestled with the contradictions, puzzling stories, and difficult sayings in scripture—until she discovered the power of interacting with them. Herring guides you to talk back to those scripture passages you don't understand. Ask questions, explore your life, plead, praise, and ponder. She provides simple, practical tools for beginning and experienced writers. A perfect resource for individuals, small groups, and retreats. L...

Another Bead, Another Prayer

Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent, Max O. Vincent
NOTE: Prayer beads are sold separately. Purchase online at Yes, it's really okay for Protestants to use prayer beads! Kristen and Max Vincent invite you to pray from your heart with these 28 devotions designed for use with prayer beads. Another Bead, Another Prayer begins with a brief explanation of Protestant prayer beads for readers who are unfamiliar with them. The devotions are grouped by 4 types of prayer: praise, confession, intercession, and thanksgiving...

A Bead and a Prayer

A Beginner's Guide to Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent
NOTE: Prayer beads are sold separately. Order beads at Kristen's site: Do you ever struggle with prayer? Maybe your mind wanders, you wonder if God even hears your prayers, or you just don't know what to pray. A Bead and a Prayer introduces Protestant prayer beads as a tool for connecting with God. This 4-week Bible study is designed for people with no experience in using prayer beads. You will discover answers to such questions as: Why use prayer beads? ...

Contemplative by Design

Creating Quiet Spaces for Retreats, Workshops, Churches, and Personal Settings  
Jane J. Young, Gerrie L. Grimsley
It's hard to hear yourself think in today's culture, much less refresh your soul. Sights and sounds—from ads placed on toilet stall doors to loud ringtones or cars pulsing with bass—assault us every day. Peace and quiet seem out of place in 21st-century everyday life. It's time to mute the cacophony. Meaningful and serene contemplative silence is possible. And it doesn't require an expensive trip to a spa. "We yearn for rest, and our souls hunger to be fed, yet we seldom give ourselves permis...

Creativity and Divine Surprise

Finding the Place of Your Resurrection  
Karla M. Kincannon
Deepen your relationship with God as you discover your God-given gift of creativity. Creativity is usually defined narrowly and associated only with artists or children. "Creativity is so much more than art making," writes Kincannon. "It is a tool for navigating through everyday experiences to find the sacred in each God-given moment. Those who believe they lack creativity have relegated it to remote regions of their life, burying it under the need for security, approval, and control. However...