The Academy for Spiritual Formation creates transformative space for people to be in communion with God, self, others, and creation for the sake of the world. Learn more at Academy.UpperRoom.org.
Doing Little Things for the Common Good
What if the most profound changes in justice ministry come not from grand gestures, but from the small, faithful acts we practice every day? Micro Practices for Justice Ministry: Doing Little Things for the Common Good provides insights from more than 40 pastors from diverse ministry contexts on how small, intentional actions have the power to create lasting social change. Combining theological depth, inspiring stories, and hundreds of actionable practices, this book serves as both a practical manual and devotional for clergy, laity, or anyone committed to advancing justice, one small step at a time.
A Book of Daily Devotions
Strength for Your Spiritual Journey
Center your heart and mind on God each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations, scripture readings, and prayers that will help you engage God’s Word.
Reflections for the Work of Liberation
In the summer of 2020, while composing a series of devotionals on the Psalms for their church, the Double Love Experience, authors Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes and Andrew Wilkes recognized that these ancient words spoke truth and inspiration not only to their immediate community, but also to the growing number of people doing the holy, demanding work of pursuing justice, undoing structural racism, and building a society that truly values Black lives.
The Psalms speak power today as they always have. T...
Exploring the Seven Gifts of Spiritual Direction
God created humans with the desire to both know others and be known. People weren't meant to go it alone on their spiritual journeys, and God has provided many fellow travelers to accompany us.
Some of these fellow pilgrims—spiritual directors—are called to walk the spiritual path with others. The spiritual director, however, does not seek to tell their counterpart how to live out the faith. Instead, the spiritual director accompanies others on their spiritual journey and helps them discover ...
The Way of Prayerful Living
What does it mean to live a contemplative life? How does someone become contemplative? Does being contemplative mean sitting around thinking about God all day? Does it require living a simple or even austere life, like a monk or a nun?
Roger Owens challenges readers to expand their definition of contemplative living to encompass all ways of seeking to be more open, available, and responsive to God. God may be found just as easily in an office cubicle, a donut shop, or a laundry room as in a m...
Tackling Tough Topics Together
In today's deeply divided world where discussions can quickly become heated and uncivil, churches need to learn how to talk about sensitive issues. Our society needs brave churches where people can talk about the real struggles they are experiencing without fear of being dismissed, shamed, or judged.
Brave Church helps congregations talk about controversial topics with sensitivity to those who see the world and have experienced life differently from themselves. It guides readers to think thr...
Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice
"This is a prayer book for revolution—a revolution of love and compassion and justice," Shane Claiborne writes in the foreword. The prayers in this collection are meant to be prayed in community.
Rally is a prayer book for faith communities searching for words to respond to the injustices around them. It's a prayer book for Christian activists who believe in putting feet to their prayers. The book supplies words for concerned Christians who yearn to lift their voices to God about such issues ...
A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads
Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are.
This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...
Loving Like Jesus
Named One of the Best Spiritual Books of 2017
by Spirituality and Practice (Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat)
In the face of hurtful public dialogue and worldwide conflict, many Christians want to practice and experience genuine compassion. After all, centuries of Christian teachings have insisted that compassion is at the heart of the Christian life.
"Love your enemies," Jesus said in Luke 6:35-36. "Do good to them. Be compassionate, just as God is compassionate."
How do we become more compassion...
Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community
Discover a spiritual practice that helps you maintain spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health.
"We toiled on computers seven days per week, rising as early as 4:00 a.m. to squeeze in spiritual quiet time before we both retreated to our respective laptops, typing the days (and weekends) away. Though I grew up keeping Sundays sacred, six years into our marriage, we'd fallen into the trap of using the Lord's Day to catch up. … At its worst, our church attendance was less than 50 perce...