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La evangelización transformadora

Manera wesleyana de compartir la fe  
Henry H. Knight, F. Douglas Powe
Debido a las tácticas más agresivas y de confrontación que escuchamos, el evangelismo ha desarrollado una mala connotación. Las puertas se cierran apresuradamente, las llamadas telefónicas terminan abruptamente y los correos electrónicos quedan sin respuesta. Después de todo, ¿no es una tarea que debería realizar el pastor? Tal vez sea el momento de reexaminar el modelo de evangelización de Juan Wesley como un ciclo completo y natural, en el que se trata de un punto de partida común en lugar ...

A Disciple's Journal Year C

Steven W. Manskar
Carefully designed and deeply Wesleyan, A Disciple's Journal provides a pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading for people who want to grow—as John Wesley encouraged—in "holiness of heart and life." This daily companion invites readers "to witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit." This edition begins with Advent 2021 and goes through Reign of Christ/Christ the King S...

Launching a New Worship Community

A Practical Guide for the 2020s  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon
For many churches, the call to make disciples comes with a realization that the church's current worship opportunities do not reach certain groups in their surrounding community. New worship services offer the most promising strategy for renewing established churches and planting new worship communities. In a post-pandemic world, churches will be challenged to reach new people with the gospel and to help them meet in a way that is meaningful to them. Accessible to ministry professionals and ...

For the Common Good

Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts  
Christine Harman
For the Common Good reminds us that the Holy Spirit gives each Christian one or more spiritual gifts to be used for the common good. It guides readers to discover their own particular gifts and learn to use their gifts to serve others. Examining key passages in Paul's writings, author Christine Harman leads readers through a personal spiritual gift assessment. She names 20 distinct spiritual gifts—including discernment, compassion, and evangelism—and helps people explore scripture reference...

Ready, Set, Plant

The Why and How of Starting New Churches  
Bener Agtarap, Curtis Brown
When one reads through the New Testament, it's evident that the practice of planting churches began two thousand years ago. Today's culture, community, and connections differ greatly from the churches Peter and Paul helped build. Even in the past 20 years, those factors have dramatically changed the ministry of church planting. In Ready, Set, Plant Bener Agtarap and Curtis Brown provide tools for planting churches—looking at the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of the process. Creating...

A Disciple's Journal Year B

Steven W. Manskar
A Disciple's Journal, carefully designed and deeply Wesleyan, provides a pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading for persons who want to grow in holiness of heart and life. It invites readers into a Wesleyan way of following Jesus Christ shaped by the General Rule of Discipleship: To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This edition begins with Advent 2020 and ca...

Campus Ministry

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This resource, written with the intention to support a new Lay Servant Ministries course, will give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structures for campus ministries and offices of spiritual and religious life on college or university campuses; a framework to discern how United Methodist congregations may be called to serve students in their local ...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...