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Safer Sanctuaries

Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities  
Safe Sanctuaries has long been a trusted source of policy and procedural guidance for abuse prevention in the church. First published in 1998, Safe Sanctuaries has guided churches and other affiliated institutions as they implement abuse prevention plans for children, youth, and vulnerable adults. A changing world, however, calls for new and updated approaches to the work of abuse prevention. This new resource, Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities, builds on the strong...

The Godbearing Life, Revised Edition

The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry  
Megan DeWald, Kenda Creasy Dean, Ron Foster
A generation ago, The Godbearing Life charted a new course for youth ministry to fuel the faith both of young people and the adults who minister with them. It is founded on the truth that we are all Godbearers to one another, and therefore youth ministry is more about people than programs. Youth ministry is ministry that invites young people into deep soul work and spiritual friendships. Like the original, The Godbearing Life, Revised Edition is conversationally written, grounded in scripture...

The Awakened Life for High School Students

Finding Stillness in an Anxious World, Leader Guide  
Sarah E. Bollinger, Angela R. Olsen
One out of five teens lives with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Some come to believe that worry, isolation, and fear are all life has to offer. Yet God created us for lives full of joy, well-being, and connection. The Awakened Life for High School Students is an eight-week small-group guide that empowers teens to awaken to a more abundant life through practices that build resiliency, teach psychosocial skills, and foster emotional and spiritual well-being. It is designed to b...

The Awakened Life for High School Students

Finding Stillness in an Anxious World, Student Guide  
Sarah E. Bollinger, Angela R. Olsen
One out of five teens lives with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Some come to believe that worry, isolation, and fear are all life has to offer. Yet God created us for lives full of joy, well-being, and connection. The Awakened Life for High School Students is an eight-week small-group guide that empowers teens to awaken to a more abundant life through practices that build resiliency, teach psychosocial skills, and foster emotional and spiritual well-being. It is designed to b...

Santuarios seguros

Prevencíon del abuso infantil y juvenil en la iglesia  
Joy Thornburg Melton
Esta traducción es una combinación de los libros Safe Sanctuaries (Santuarios seguros) y Safe Sanctuaries for Youth (Santuarios seguros para jóvenes). Este recurso está diseñado para líderes (hombres y mujeres) en congregaciones y comunidades de fe de habla hispana: pastores, misioneros, personas laicas, maestros de educación cristiana, maestros de la escuela dominical, y directores de ministerios ofrecidos durante la semana.

Building Spiritual Muscle

A Six-Week Journey to Shape a More Powerful Faith  
Sabrina N. Short, Chris Wilterdink
This six-session Bible Study and discipleship resource designed for youth will help work out their spiritual muscles and build their faith. Included in this resource are scripts for training and coaching the adult group leaders, as well as links to video clips of key speakers from the Youth 2015 event. The brief video clips will guide discussion for groups, with individuals setting their own learning and spiritual growth goals.This resource with help strengthen its users' faith and develop le...

Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship with Youth  
Chris Wilterdink
Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers. Take advantage of a discount and purchase all three Covenant Discip...

One Day I Wrote Back

Interacting with Scripture Through Creative Writing  
Jane Herring
Do you struggle to relate the Bible to your daily life? Jane Herring wrestled with the contradictions, puzzling stories, and difficult sayings in scripture—until she discovered the power of interacting with them. Herring guides you to talk back to those scripture passages you don't understand. Ask questions, explore your life, plead, praise, and ponder. She provides simple, practical tools for beginning and experienced writers. A perfect resource for individuals, small groups, and retreats. L...


Parenting in the Digital Age  
Craig Kennet Miller
iKids—the generation emerging in the midst of the digital revolution. A generation defined by a vast and rapidly changing technological landscape, the iKids generation will never know a world without touch screens, social media, and the internet. iKids: Parenting in the Digital Age takes a close look at the culture of this generation and raises critical questions about the effects of technology on children's brains, physical health, educational experiences, relationships, and faith formation.

Safe Sanctuaries in a Virtual World

Joy Thornburg Melton, Michelle L. Foster
Safe Sanctuaries in a Virtual World, the latest addition to the Safe Sanctuaries series, addresses the challenges of ministry that have arisen in the face of rapidly changing technology, sometimes referred to as the digital age. Technology now pervades our lives on almost every level; it is nearly inescapable and, as Melton and Foster point out, easily accessible and increasingly user-friendly and intuitive, streamlining the way we work and interact with one another and the world around us. S...