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La oración de una viuda

Encontrar la gracia de Dios en los días venideros  
Nell E. Noonan
Las crisis de la vida amenazan nuestra estabilidad espiritual. La pérdida de un ser querido -se espere o no su muerte- es siempre traumática. El trauma de adaptarse a la nueva realidad de viuda mientras se enfrenta a una multitud de preguntas y decisiones urgentes puede ser abrumador. En este libro de 60 meditaciones, Nell Noonan comparte con franqueza sus experiencias en los 26 meses posteriores a la muerte de su marido. Describe su recorrido en el duelo como una jornada repleta de bendicion...

Beach Calling

A Devotional Journal for the Middle Years and Beyond  
Missy Buchanan
Imagine listening to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide, feeling the heat and grit of the sand between your toes, and viewing the vast expanse of the sky stretching across the horizon. The wonder of the beach illuminates the magnificence of the Creator. With Beach Calling you don't have to be at the beach to experience the sea, the sand, the sky, and the glory of the One who created it all. Author Missy Buchanan's brilliant descriptions—intertwined artfully with scripture—paint a vivid pic...

This Life That Is Ours

Motherhood as Spiritual Practice  
Lauren Burdette
This Life That Is Ours offers 40 gentle meditations with guidance for reflection on the spiritual journey of motherhood. These practical, soul-affirming meditations nurture a mother's heart and spiritual life in a season fraught with overwhelm, exhaustion, and loss of identity. Through the lens of Burdette's real-life stories, the reader is invited to ponder her experience and to contemplate where God might be present. This book is divided into three sections. Reflections in the first section...

This Is My Body

Embracing the Messiness of Faith and Motherhood  
Hannah Shanks
Kneeling at the Communion rail, Hannah Shanks trembled as she received the bread and cup. Hours before, she had discovered she was pregnant. She heard the familiar words—"The body of Christ, broken for you; The blood of Christ, shed for you" as if for the first time. She remembered Jesus' words: "This is my body." Shanks realized that these words not only describe Jesus' death but also apply to every birth that has taken place. Suddenly, she felt a closer connection to God. This Is My Body is...

Espacios de calma

Momentos de oración para mujeres  
Patricia Wilson
La relación íntima con Dios que has anhelado está a tu alcance, a pesar del caos de hacer malabares con múltiples responsabilidades, tiempos límites y de las diferentes labores de tu vida estirada hasta el máximo. Con Espacios de calma puedes aprender a calmar tu mente y a escuchar la voz apacible y tranquila de Dios en medio de la turbulencia a tu alrededor. La escritora y conferencista profesional Patricia Wilson sabe lo que es luchar para encontrar algunos minutos para ella misma. A trav...

The Soulmaking Room

Dee Dee Risher
In this personal story, Dee Dee Risher weaves experiences from her life with the biblical story of the prophet Elisha and the Shunammite woman. Risher is captivated by this spiritually attuned, generous, hospitable, honest, and bold woman. The woman from Shunem extends radical hospitality to the prophet, expecting no reward. But when disaster strikes, she does not hesitate to hold Elisha accountable or talk back. Hidden in the story, Risher believes, are the questions that lead to a more auth...

A Widow's Prayer

Finding God's Grace in the Days Ahead  
Nell E. Noonan
Life crises threaten our spiritual stability. Losing a loved one—whether or not you expect their death—is always traumatic. The trauma of adjusting to the new identity of widow while facing a multitude of questions and urgent decisions can be overwhelming. In this book of 60 meditations, Nell Noonan candidly shares her experiences in the 26 months after the death of her husband. She describes her journey in grief as packed with blessings and brokenness. Despite the low points, she managed to ...

A Widow's Prayer Enlarged Print

Finding God's Grace in the Days Ahead  
Nell E. Noonan
Life crises threaten our spiritual stability. Losing a loved one—whether or not you expect their death—is always traumatic. The trauma of adjusting to the new identity of widow while facing a multitude of questions and urgent decisions can be overwhelming. In this book of 60 meditations, Nell Noonan candidly shares her experiences in the 26 months after the death of her husband. She describes her journey in grief as packed with blessings and brokenness. Despite the low points, she managed to ...

Room at My Table

Preparing Heart and Home for Christian Hospitality  
Evelyn Bence
In this delightful collection of 52 devotions, Evelyn Bence reflects on gatherings at her table that have brought together friends, family, and neighbors. The anecdotal meditations ease the door ajar, gently inviting you to welcome others to your table. You see her planning a gathering, choosing recipes, thinking about how to make guests feel at ease. For seasoned hosts, Bence provides encouragement and camaraderie. For novices, she offers gentle instruction laced with humor, realistic expec...

Rhythms of Growth

365 Meditations to Nurture the Soul  
Linda Douty
In Rhythms of Growth, Linda Douty uses the seasons of the year to illustrate natural trends in our spiritual lives. For winter, she writes about themes of rootedness, fallow times, reflection; for spring—awakening, planting, new growth, storms; for summer—bearing fruit, abundance, blossoming, weeding, and pests; for fall—letting go, sifting, harvesting. Douty's conversational style and ability to bring together the everyday and the holy make this book appealing for anyone who wants a devotion...