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Loving an Addict

Gospel Reflections of Hope and Healing  
Alyssa Phillips
Fear. Anger. Shame. Resentment. Despair. If you love someone with an addiction, these are familiar emotions. As the wife of an alcoholic, Alyssa Phillips knows them all too well. In this collection of 52 devotions, Phillips shares her journey of coming to peace with loving an addict. Like many of us, at a crisis point she turned to the Bible. As she immersed herself in the Gospel stories, she noticed that what she'd heard at 12-step meetings complemented insights she found in the Gospels. Phi...

The Serenity Prayer

A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life  
Trevor Hudson, Dallas Willard
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference." Countless people around the world have prayed this prayer, and it has helped them find peace in the midst of their harried lives. Did you know that the above words are just the beginning of a longer prayer? In this book, beloved pastor and teacher Trevor Hudson explores the entire Serenity Prayer, giving insights into each phrase and making the prayer...

One Day at a Time

Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality  
Trevor Hudson
Each day brings news of someone entering rehab for treatment. While many people struggle with obvious addictions such as alcoholism or substance abuse, less evident but just-as-serious problems may lie below the most composed surface. In One Day at a Time Hudson takes a fresh look at the Twelve Steps used by Alcoholics Anonymous. These practical guiding principles of recovery can help you, whatever your struggle, to reclaim self-worth and renewal. Discover how the Twelve Steps can help you h...