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A Spirituality of Fundraising Workbook Edition

Henri J. M. Nouwen, Nathan Ball
The why—and how—of faith-based fundraising and stewardship. For years, many faith-based fundraisers and communities have been inspired by Henri J. M. Nouwen's book A Spirituality of Fundraising and his approach to fundraising as a calling and ministry. Many who are inspired by Nouwen's vision remain hesitant to ask for money, saying, "I don't have the personality to raise money" or "Asking for money still feels too complicated and makes me fearful." Nathan Ball, a close colleague and friend ...

Everything Belongs To God

Christian Stewardship  
Sophirinia Sign
This book invites you to study some of the kingdom principles involved in Christian stewardship—conversion, commitment, involvement, motivation, potential, faithfulness, and sacrifice. Test these principles in your life. Make them part of your world. You will reap the benefits of good stewardship.

Stewardship In African-American Churches

A New Paradigm  
Melvin Amerson
"When the church embraces the responsibility of living as faith managers of God's vast resources [as Psalm 24:1 teaches], the community of faith will prosper." So begins this practical and theological study of stewardship, both in the context of the African-American church tradition and beyond. After all, a systematic approach to stewardship undergirds the ministry and mission of the church universal. A stewardship consultant, Amerson draws upon his experience to help churches develop a the...

Creative Giving

Understanding Planned Giving and Endowments in Church  
Michael Reeves, Rob Fairly, Sanford Coon
Creative Giving is a perfect book for church leaders who have no expertise in the area of planned or creative giving. It is an excellent resource for helping non-experts think about estate planning and stewardship within the mission and ministry of the church. A comprehensive guide, Creative Giving guides church leaders in understanding the transfer of wealth through planned giving. The authors equip church leaders with the tools to develop a creative giving program within the congregation.

A Spirituality of Fundraising

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series  
John S. Mogabgab, Henri J. M. Nouwen
Do you serve on your church's stewardship committee or need to raise money for a mission trip or some other faith-based cause? Perhaps the thought of asking people for money intimidates you. It's time to change the way you think about fundraising. "Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry," best-selling author and renowned spiritual teacher Henri Nouwen writes. "It's a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission." Nouwen encourages us to see fundraising as sp...

Celebrating the Offering

Melvin Amerson, James Amerson
In a culture where it's easy to think of ourselves as self-made, we need a reminder that all blessings have been given to us by a generous God. In many congregations, the offering happens without much forethought. We may even consider it a crass interruption to the spiritual flow of worship. But it's actually an important, biblical part of the service. It gives us a chance to focus on giving thanks and giving back to the God who has so generously given to us. If you're looking to revitalize ...

Faith & Money

Understanding Annual Giving in Church  
Jennifer Tyler, Michael Reeves
Grounded in the gospel, Faith & Money identifies the challenges of fund development in local congregations, develops a consistent theological foundation for fund development, and guides congregations in building worthy expectations and attitudes on how to fund ministry.

Extraordinary Money!

Understanding the Church Capital Campaign  
Michael Reeves
Unexpected expenses happen. Questions, anxiety, and some confusion among the membership and church leaders are inevitable whenever a congregation needs to raise major funds. Reeves guides you to examine the issues of developing and carrying out a strategy for raising money for special needs. Extraordinary Money serves as a tool to help churches determine whether a capital campaign suits their setting. Find answers to these questions and more: Why do capital campaigns work in some settings...

Climbing the Sycamore Tree

A Study on Choice and Simplicity  
Ann Hagmann
Warning: This book could change the way you live. "Although I've experienced what it's like to get overextended, I've never been poor without options or help," writes Hagmann. "My faith tells me that being a Christian must affect who I am and how I behave with my wealth. Christ has something to say about the way I live my daily life, from how I treat others to how I spend my money." Do you make everyday economic decisions that reflect your Christian faith and values? Or are you "living large"...