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Crianza y fe

Cómo nutrir la fe de sus hijos en cada etapa de formación  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Dé a sus hijos el mejor regalo de todos, transmítales su fe. En Crianza y fe, Kara Lassen Oliver ofrece una guía práctica para ayudar a los padres, abuelos y otros adultos interesados en nutrir la fe de sus hijos. Durante cuatro semanas por temporada, ofrece sugerencias fáciles de seguir para las familias durante las temporadas de Adviento, Cuaresma, verano y de regreso a la escuela. Características de este libro: Planeación para las reuniones familiares semanales con actividades apropiada...

Passing It On

How to Nurture Your Children's Faith Season by Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Give your children the greatest gift of all—pass on your faith. In Passing It On, Kara Lassen Oliver provides a practical guide to help parents, grandparents, and other concerned adults nurture their children's faith. For four weeks at a time, she offers easy-to-follow suggestions for families during the seasons of Advent, Lent, summer, and back to school. This book features plans for weekly Family Gatherings with age-appropriate activities symbols to remind family members of the week's spi...

Scrambled Starts

Family Prayers for Morning, Bedtime, and Everything In-Between  
Jenny Youngman
Do you long to teach your children to pray? How do you build a prayerful family when everyone is running in different directions? In Scrambled Starts, Youngman shares honestly from her family's journey as she tried to build prayer into their daily lives. This encouraging book for parents and families includes prayers for mealtime and bedtime prayers for specific occasions and ordinary times prayers for all ages scriptures to memorize help for starting a family devotion time Benefit from ...

Remembering Your Story, Revised Edition

Creating Your Own Spiritual Autobiography  
Richard L. Morgan
Remembering Your Story invites readers to connect their faith stories with others and with God's story as revealed in scripture. Morgan guides readers to deeper memories of God's presence in all portions of their lives. Individuals and small groups will find this book offers them blessings as they discover God's working throughout their journey. This revised edition of Morgan's work reflects his workshops, seminars, and conversations concerning spiritual autobiography. It also more intentiona...

Growing Compassionate Kids

Helping Kids See Beyond Their Backyard  
Jan Johnson
Open a new world of possibilities for your kids, where making a difference for others becomes a way of life! Growing Compassionate Kids illustrates practical everyday ways for parents to help children develop empathy and seek justice in the world. As one reviewer says, "This book is a wonderful antidote to both 'compassion fatigue' and the frustrations of Christian parenting in a selfish society." Jan Johnson, a well-known author who deals with Christian spirituality, helps moms and dads and ...

Parents and Grandparents as Spiritual Guides

Nurturing Children of the Promise  
Betty Shannon Cloyd
Today, we're increasingly disconnected from one another. Our mobile society, with its incessant busyness, creates a tragic break in relationships and diminishes the sense of community — even within families. Some parents communicate with their children by texting or calling them — inside their home! With all of the activities children are involved in — school, sports, music, camp, and others — spiritual nurture often gets neglected. "Spirituality makes persons look beyond themselves to the we...

Family the Forming Center

A Vision of the Role of Family in Spiritual Formation  
Marjorie J. Thompson
The first place most of us experience God and learn the values that shape our lives is within the family. Is it any wonder, then, that all manner of current social ills are blamed on the disintegration of family life? Children need to see that the spiritual life is significant to their parents at home as well as at church. If your home life differs from the image you present at church, your kids will see faith as contrived and irrelevant. In this revised and expanded edition, Thompson suggest...