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Showing 61 - 70 of 207 results

Disciples Making Disciples

A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders  
Steven W. Manskar
Disciples Making Disciples: Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders by Steven W. Manskar is for pastors, Covenant Discipleship group members, and class leaders. It provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting, support groups so they help the congregation live out its mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. The book also describes the office of class leaders and how to introduce this powerful disci...

Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship with Youth  
Chris Wilterdink
Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers. Take advantage of a discount and purchase all three Covenant Discip...

A Manual of the United Methodist Church (Korean)

Our Identity, History, Structure, Doctrine,and Practice  
Samuel Hong, Yongyeun Lee, Won-Geun Kang, ...
A Manual of The United Methodist Church: Our Identity, History, Structure, Doctrine, and Practice, by Samuel Hong, Kang Won Lee, Yongyeun Lee, and Won-Geun Kang is an introduction to the United Methodist Church. It explains the characteristics and differences of the United Methodist Church and teaches us how to practice faith and doctrine of the United Methodist Church in personal and communal life. This book helps the church leaders to engage the newcomers in growing Christian faith and prac...

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Sacred Circle Time for Young Children  
Leanne Hadley
Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children is designed specifically for young children using a simple-but-effective model that will move them beyond "learning about God" to "experiencing God" through ritual, wonder, story, prayer, and blessing. Dr. Leanne Hadley provides all the leadership tools as well as ideas for resources that all congregations already have on hand. Sacred Circle Time is ideal: for use in a variety of settings, including your church, preschool, day...

Flipping Church

How Successful Church Planters Are Turning Conventional Wisdom Upside-Down  
Michael Baughman
An innovative anthology written by successful church planters who have consistently and successfully challenged prevailing assumptions about healthy church development and "best practices." This informative book gives insight into how they broke the mold of church planting. Includes chapters written by Michael Baughman, Olu Brown, Doug Cunningham, Kenda Creasy Dean, Mark DeVries, Amanda Garber, Trey Hall, Diane Harrison, Elaine Heath, Jerry Herships, Derek Jacobs, Matt Miofsky, David Rangel, ...

A Missionary Mindset

What Church Leaders Need to Know to Reach Their Community--Lessons from E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Doug Ruffle writes A Missionary Mindset using the timeless principles of E. Stanley Jones and transfers them for use today. Teaching us to approach the mission field as if we were from a different country and learning a new culture, a new way of communicating, and a new way to connect people to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Manual of Christian Denominations (Korean)

Denominational Identity: Similarities and Differences  
Samuel Hong
A Manual of Christian Denominations: Similarities and Differences, by Dr. Samuel Hong is an introduction to the Christian Denominations. It explains why there are so many denominations in Christian history, what similarities and differences they have in teaching, and how we can partner in Jesus' missions for disciple making. This book helps us to understand how the churches and denominations were formed and have led people to influence the world with the gospel in the past and present. It als...

Transforming Community

The Wesleyan Way to Missional Congregations  
F. Douglas Powe Jr., Henry H. Knight III, Henry H. Knight, ...
Drawing from the strength of their previous book, Transforming Evangelism, Henry Knight and Douglas Powe show us a Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. Drawing from John Wesley's own organizing abilities, this will better equip today's congregations to be more transfomational. Each chapter also has study questions. This is the Participant's Book. Click here for the Leader's Guide, Leading Missional Small Groups.

Viral Multiplication In Hispanic Churches

How to Plant and Multiply Disciple-Making Hispanic Churches in Twenty-first Century America  
Iosmar Alvarez
Reverend Iosmar Alvarez created this book to teach church planting leaders how to plant new, healthy, vital, and vibrant churches with multiplication DNA. Using scripture-grounded values, principles, and the author's own testimony, this book will help reach both new and diverse Hispanic/Latino people, as well as other cultures and contexts.