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Showing 41 - 46 of 46 results

A Clearing Season

Reflections for Lent  
Cities across the world celebrate Mardi Gras with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Ash Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent has begun. You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things like chocolate or stressing out as they try to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks—for reasons you don't completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation. Sound like a good time?! It's time to rethink Lent. Or at least see it f...

Day Four

The Pilgrim's Continued Journey  
Robert Wood
When The Walk to Emmaus event is over, your journey as a Fourth Day pilgrim begins. As you move into Day Four's solo daily practices of piety, study, and Christian action, you will cherish this informative booklet. This item is non-discountable.

Walking Side by Side

Devotions for Pilgrims  
Joanne Bultemeier, Cherie Jones
Walking Side by Side offers 45 devotional readings that relate to the 15 talks on an Emmaus weekend. The 3 biblically based meditations for each talk help pilgrims continue the spiritual journey on the Fourth Day (the rest of their lives). Pilgrims who want to reflect on topics presented during the weekend will find encouragement in this devotional booklet.

La vida de devoción en la tradición wesleyana

Un libro de ejercicios  
Steve Harper, Mary Lou Santillan-Baert
Este libro describe los aspectos más importantes en la vida de devoción de Juan Wesley y cómo estos principios pueden ser aplicados a nuestras vidas. El libro está diseñado para tener un estudio semanal por siete semanas y sigue una estructura alrededor de lo que Wesley llama «medios de gracia». Por lo tanto, incluye estudios sobre la oración, la Escritura, la Santa Cena, el ayuno y otros temas. Los grupos y cada persona individual crecerán espiritualmente a medida que aprenden acerca de las...

Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition

A Workbook  
Steve Harper
This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life. Structured around Wesley's "Means of Grace," the 7-week study covers prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, fasting, Christian conferencing, and providential means of grace. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study. Also available in Spanis...

Devotional Life In the Wesleyan Tradition (Korean Translation)

Steve Harper
This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life. Structured around Wesley's "Means of Grace," the 7-week study covers prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, fasting, Christian conferencing, and providential means of grace. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study.