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Ecourse Soul Reset

Soul Reset

A Journey to Wholeness with Ron Bell  

Instructed by Junius B. Dotson
Clergy & Laity Healing & Wholeness Spiritual Practice

Everything was going fine ? until it wasn't. For Reverend Junius B. Dotson it took an actual breakdown during a funeral for him to realize he needed a reset. As he recalls his own journey through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown, Dotson is passionate about calling for a Soul Reset. He is calling out to all of us: pastors, church leaders, and all disciples of Jesus Christ.

This eCourse edition of Soul Reset is a 7-session study designed for anyone who moves at breakneck speed through their daily lives, often relying only on their own strength to bring God's kingdom on earth. Jesus shows us a different way, a more natural, unforced rhythm of what kingdom work looks like. It's a balance of work, rest, play, worship, exercise, and eating well?spiritual practices that keep our souls hydrated and healthy. At our best, we do our best in the work of the church in the world.

This October 4-November 19, 2021 version of our eCourse included both asynchronous (accessible anytime) and synchronous (at a particular time) sessions. Synchronous sessions were recorded for viewing in the eCourse at any time. Asynchronous reading material, video, and a place for chatted conversation are available anytime once you register.

Soul Reset author Junius B. Dotson died in 2021 after a brief bout with pancreatic cancer. We miss him, are ever grateful for his legacy, and are pleased to offer this eCourse in his honor. Our synchronous sessions were offered by longtime friend and colleague of Junius, Rev. Dr. Ronald Bell.

Private eCourse classrooms with group rates are available upon request. If you are interested, email us at

Format: eCourse
Publication Date: 09/01/2019

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