Betty Shannon Cloyd is a diaconal minister and consultant in prayer and spiritual formation. She served as director of children's ministry at McKendree United Methodist Church and diaconal minister of Christian education at Hermitage United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. While serving with her husband as a missionary, she worked with children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa and later among the Navajo people.
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Parents and Grandparents as Spiritual Guides

Nurturing Children of the Promise  
Betty Shannon Cloyd
Today, we're increasingly disconnected from one another. Our mobile society, with its incessant busyness, creates a tragic break in relationships and diminishes the sense of community — even within families. Some parents communicate with their children by texting or calling them — inside their home! With all of the activities children are involved in — school, sports, music, camp, and others — spiritual nurture often gets neglected. "Spirituality makes persons look beyond themselves to the we...