Britney Winn Lee is the director of a community arts program in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she lives with her designer husband and big-hearted son. The author of Deconstructed Do-Gooder: A Memoir About Learning Mercy the Hard Way and The Boy with Big, Big Feelings, Lee compiled this collection of prayers. An artist and word-wielder since childhood, Lee has worked for 10 years in efforts focused on building community and connecting the church to the world. Her passions are being a good neighbor, writing about that topic in a variety of ways, crocheting, and making spicy pickles. See what she's creating at and on Instagram @brittanywinnlee.
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Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice  
Britney Winn Lee, Shane Claiborne
"This is a prayer book for revolution—a revolution of love and compassion and justice," Shane Claiborne writes in the foreword. The prayers in this collection are meant to be prayed in community. Rally is a prayer book for faith communities searching for words to respond to the injustices around them. It's a prayer book for Christian activists who believe in putting feet to their prayers. The book supplies words for concerned Christians who yearn to lift their voices to God about such issues ...