Daniel Wolpert is the cofounder of the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH). He worked as a research scientist, psychologist, spiritual director, farmer, teacher, and construction worker before earning his Master of Divinity degree at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS). Over the past forty years he has taught in the fields of psychology and spiritual formation. He is also the author of Leading a Life with God: The Practice of Spiritual Leadership and Creation’s Wisdom: Spiritual Practice and Climate Change.
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Looking Inward, Living Outward

The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation  
Daniel Wolpert

Discover how spiritual practices can inspire social change. From the author of Creating a Life with God and Leading a Life with God comes a new book exploring how a life of prayer is inextricably connected with social transformation. Drawing from Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual director and pastor Daniel Wolpert describes 12 spiritual practices for individuals and communities that lead to justice and healing on earth as it is in heaven.

Leading a Life with God

The Practice of Spiritual Leadership  
Daniel Wolpert
People who pray together can change the world. A faith community's deepening prayer life depends on an effective spiritual leader. Many are willing to assume this role, but some aspiring guides have trouble making the transition from an individual practice to leading a group. Wolpert demonstrates how personal devotion can evolve into leadership practice. Bestselling spiritual leadership books "provide insights from secular leadership disciplines and then add a paragraph about how these discip...

Creating a Life with God

The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices  
Daniel Wolpert
"This book is truly about life with God: a life in which the awareness and consciousness of God sweep us off our feet the way a lover would. It is about taking on the mind of Christ, a process that is a journey, the journey of prayer." So begins Wolpert's invitation to fully experience the lifeline God offers us in prayer. Creating a Life with God goes beyond the rote prayers that so many of us have experienced and found wanting. In fact, Wolpert admits that his own frustration with the formu...