E. Byron Anderson is Assistant Professor of Worship and Director of Community Worship at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN. He has written and edited numerous papers, articles, and books in the area of religious education, including Belief and Belonging, Worship Matters, The Word in Worship, and The Meaning of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church.
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Common Worship

Tradition, Formation, Mission  
E. Byron Anderson
Common worship? Yes, because faith requires it. A broken church cannot repair a broken world. Common worship is evidence of our engagement with Christ's prayer "that we may be one." Anderson says, "To say that Christian liturgy is a place and set of practices through which we come to inhabit the habit of Christ means that how and what we worship says something about the character of the church's life in the world." This item is non-discountable.

The Meaning of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church

E. Byron Anderson
A resource for newcomers and lifelong members of the church, E. Byron Anderson provides readers with a brief introduction to the meanings and practices of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church. In addition, the booklet explores several basic and common questions about Holy Communion. A wonderful resource to keep on hand for inquirers.