Flora Slosson Wuellner, a retired ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, is well known throughout the United States and Europe for her writings and retreat leadership that focus on the inner healing that God freely offers through Christ. She has been involved in the specialized ministry of spiritual renewal for over 40 years and has written 14 books on inner healing and renewal. Educated at the University of Michigan and at Chicago Theological Seminary, Wuellner has served pastorates in Wyoming, Idaho, and Illinois. She currently lives in Fair Oaks, California.
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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Beyond Death

What Jesus Revealed about Eternal Life  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
What awaits us after death? Flora Wuellner brings her deep wisdom and a lifetime of study, reflection, observation, and spiritual direction to shed light on what Jesus revealed about eternal life. Her writing offers hope and comfort to those who might be troubled by mixed messages about the afterlife from church or who are simply wounded from misunderstandings on the subject. Each chapter opens with a quotation from Jesus and develops the implications of those words, and closes with a guided ...


When Christ Touches Our Deepest Need  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Stress, pain, grief… Do you need a miracle? They still happen, says Wuellner, a wise spiritual director, counselor and healer. She's a witness to their power and mystery. "Fifty years ago, as a young pastor, I probably would've denied it," she writes. "But over the years I have become humbler, listening and observing more. Yes, acts of wonder still occur surprisingly often in the physical world. …God works closely in, with and through us as every atom, each cell, every thought and action open...

Feed My Shepherds

Spiritual Healing and Renewal for Those in Christian Leadership  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
A church member has just lost a parent. Another member is scheduled for surgery. Yet another member is having marital problems. Just another day in the life of a congregation. Church leaders (both clergy and lay) give immeasurable comfort and nourishment to those in need. But it sometimes leaves them drained, stressed, and wounded. Feed My Shepherds addresses the struggles and burnout experienced by those in caregiving ministries and offers practical tips for practicing healthy spirituality. ...

Enter by the Gate

Jesus' 7 Guidelines When Making Hard Choices  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Hard choices are inevitable. Whether they involve family or other relationships, a job, or your spiritual journey, some decisions aren't clear-cut or easy. The advice you seek (or that's thrust upon you by well-meaning friends) may leave you more unsure than ever. The adage "Let go, let God" is a nice notion but often not so satisfying in the midst of difficulty. If you've ever wondered whether your intuition, the advice you've received, or the direction from your church community truly refle...

Forgiveness, the Passionate Journey

Nine Steps of Forgiving through Jesus' Beatitudes  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Why does forgiveness, so central in Jesus' life and teaching, seem much more difficult today? Why are we so often told we should forgive but so seldom shown the steps toward forgiveness? "Forgiveness is a perilous and volatile subject because it is so deeply intertwined with our communal and individual wounds," Flora Wuellner writes in the introduction. She explores how Jesus' Beatitudes promise us release from these wounds. You are invited to begin your journey to forgiveness with these hope...

Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds

Flora Slosson Wuellner
This sensitive look at inner wounds reminds us that healing was central to Jesus' ministry. Prayers and spiritual exercises will help you find your own means for receiving God's love that will heal physical pain, painful memories, the pain of uncertainty, and the pain of stress.