A clergy member of the North Carolina Annual Conference, the Rev. Gayle Carlton Felton is a consultant to the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, Chair of The Board of Directors of The Reconciling Congregation Program, and author of The Coming of Jesus, This Gift of Water, and By Water and the Spirit. Retired from the faculty of Duke Divinity School, she is now living in Rougemont, North Carolina, where she is a writer, consultant, and speaker.
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This Holy Mystery

A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion  
Gayle Carlton Felton
"This is the body of Christ. This is the blood of Christ." It's Communion Sunday. The service is a little longer, and the sacrament is observed with gravity. You know it's important, but the wonder is lost. What does it all mean, really? According to the results of a survey, you're not alone. United Methodists have a strong sense of the importance of Holy Communion, but they also lack a meaningful understanding of the theology behind it. Reclaim a richer sacramental life in your congregation ...

By Water and the Spirit

Making Connections for Identity and Ministry  
Gayle Carlton Felton
By Water and the Spirit, a 6-session study guide for use in small groups, contains the full text of the paper "By Water and the Spirit," which describes the United Methodist understanding of baptism approved by the 1996 General Conference. This booklet serves as a resource for congregational leaders who are helping members make connections between the baptismal covenant and discipleship in daily life.