Janine Gilmore, born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, was a registered nurse and the coauthor with her husband, Dick, of Sponsorship, a guide for current sponsors and those considering sponsoring someone to attend The Walk to Emmaus. Janine enjoyed music-she studied voice, sang in church and community choirs, directed children's choirs, as well as adult and children's handbell choirs, and played the piano. She was also an artist, painting still lifes with acrylics, oils, and watercolors. Her hobbies also included needlework, genealogy, and travel. Janine died in 2011.
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Caminata a Emaús  
Richard Gilmore, Janine Gilmore
Este librillo de 40 páginas guía a las personas a través del proceso de patrocinar a otros(as)peregrinos en La Caminata a Emaús. Los autores exploran una serie de posibilidades en el rol de el/la patrocinador(a) para la renovación de líderes de la iglesia, las comunidades de Emaús y la iglesia.


Richard A. Gilmore, Richard Gilmore, Janine Gilmore
This 40-page booklet guides individuals through the process of sponsoring fellow pilgrims on the Walk to Emmaus. The authors explore the range of possibilities in the role of the sponsor for the renewal of church leaders, Emmaus communities, and the church.