John Indermark is a writer and retired United Church of Christ pastor. He has authored a number of books published by Upper Room Books and Abingdon Press, in addition to writing for a variety of curriculum resources. John and his wife, Judy, are now full-time residents of Tucson, having traded the rainforests of southwest Washington for the Sonoran desert. They are members of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Tucson. When John is not writing, he enjoys taking photographs of landscape and wildlife in the Sonora region and elsewhere when he and Judy travel.
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Do Not Live Afraid

Faith in a Fearful World  
John Indermark
In scripture, the opposite of faith is often fear. With remarkable frequency, the first thing God says to those poised at the edge of momentous decisions or holy encounters is, "Do not be afraid." What God intends is not simply an attitude adjustment but empowerment. "Do not be afraid" finds its expression when we do not live afraid. This book invites readers and groups who gather around it to take that word to heart — and beyond heart to living. Each chapter considers a theme that explores w...

Gospeled Lives

Encounters with Jesus, A Lenten Study  
John Indermark
"Gospeled" lives are lives that have encountered Jesus Christ. Christ's call leads to a continually unfolding story for each of us. An encounter with the living Christ demands a response, John Indermark says. In this book you will learn about New Testament characters who encountered Jesus. Some responded with joy and gratitude. Others ignored or rejected his offer of good news. Indermark's powerful reflections on the various biblical characters, along with daily reading of scripture, written ...

Parables and Passion

Jesus' Stories for the Days of Lent  
John Indermark
Discover new insights about the passion story through the lenses of Jesus' parables. "Parables nudge us all to receptive insight," writes Indermark. "For those new to the Lenten journey, they give access to the holy through the ordinary. For those who have navigated this season many times, they allow an opportunity to experience Lent from a different perspective. …[Parables] take us deeper, revealing the approaching realm of the God who has come to us in One who teaches still in parables." Le...

The Way of Grace Participant's Book

John Indermark
The Way of Grace Leader's Guide is also available. Grace is a gift. Even before we recognize its need in our lives, God extends us favor. This 9-week study in the Companions in Christ series explores the Gospel of John and how divine grace is at work in our lives today, just as it was in the lives of biblical characters 2,000 years ago. "God's grace comes to us in the distinctive shape of our personal histories, needs, and possibilities," Indermark writes. "Yet divine grace also reveals the...