John O. Gooch is a free-lance writer and editor. He is a veteran of more than 40 years in youth ministry, at the local church, district, conference, jurisdictional and national levels. A native of Missouri, John is a retired pastor who currently is a youth ministry consultant, a youth Sunday school teacher, a Stephens Ministry leader and a frequent writer of United Methodist curriculum resources, both for youth and for adults. Dr. Gooch earned a BA in history, the Mdiv and a PhD in Historical Theology from St. Louis University. He is the author of *Claiming the Name: A Theological and Practical Overview of Confirmation** (Abingdon, 2000), *365 Meditations for Families** (Abingdon, 2001), *Jesus and Prayer** (co-author with Safiyah Fosua) (Abingdon, 2002), and *Guidance for Discipleship: A Study of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus** (Abingdon, 2003).
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Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition

John O. Gooch
Discover what it truly means to be an involved member of your church and grow in your faith. Unlike many books on church membership, Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition does not spend a lot of time on bylaws or matters of organization. Instead, the author speaks to the heart of our participation: how we belong, what we believe, how we live, and the possibilities for our growth in faith. Christians belong to a community of faith, John Gooch stresses. Being a Christian in the Wesleyan...

John Wesley for the 21st Century

John O. Gooch
Health care. Public education. War and peace. Science and religion. The economy. Christian social action. Spiritual growth. 21st century political talking points? Hardly just that. John Wesley, an 18th century British clergyman, addressed these very issues in his own time. His creative answers may open your eyes to new responses for our own frenzied "postmodern" concerns. Gooch opens the fascinating character of Wesley by looking at these strikingly current topics. He shows how Wesley's minis...