Kara Lassen Oliver is executive director of The Upper Room Center for Christian Spiritual Formation. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Oliver and her family (husband, Jeff, and children, Claire Marin and Carter) spent two years in Malawi, Africa, as Volunteers in Mission. Oliver is the author of Passing It On: How to Nurture Your Child's Faith Season by Season and the compiler of Stepping Out on Your Own: Devotions for High School Graduates and Meeting the Messiah: Scriptures for the Advent Season. Oliver has served Discipleship Resources International, part of Discipleship Ministries, as director of publishing initiatives in the Central Conferences. She spent several years as a freelance editor and writer and was youth minister at Belmont United Methodist Church in Nashville from 2003?2006. She holds a master of divinity from Vanderbilt Divinity School and a bachelor of arts in religious studies from Butler University.
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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Crianza y fe

Cómo nutrir la fe de sus hijos en cada etapa de formación  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Dé a sus hijos el mejor regalo de todos, transmítales su fe. En Crianza y fe, Kara Lassen Oliver ofrece una guía práctica para ayudar a los padres, abuelos y otros adultos interesados en nutrir la fe de sus hijos. Durante cuatro semanas por temporada, ofrece sugerencias fáciles de seguir para las familias durante las temporadas de Adviento, Cuaresma, verano y de regreso a la escuela. Características de este libro: Planeación para las reuniones familiares semanales con actividades apropiada...

Passing It On

How to Nurture Your Children's Faith Season by Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Give your children the greatest gift of all—pass on your faith. In Passing It On, Kara Lassen Oliver provides a practical guide to help parents, grandparents, and other concerned adults nurture their children's faith. For four weeks at a time, she offers easy-to-follow suggestions for families during the seasons of Advent, Lent, summer, and back to school. This book features plans for weekly Family Gatherings with age-appropriate activities symbols to remind family members of the week's spi...

Meeting the Messiah

Scriptures for the Advent Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Journey through this Advent season with a purposeful focus on the Christ child. Meeting the Messiah encourages you to slow down and pay attention to the real meaning of Christmas. Six weeks of short readings and guided reflection will enrich your celebration of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. You will be filled with joy and thanksgiving as you think about scripture passages from the perspectives of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Mary, the shepherds, the magi, and Jesus himself. This year...

Stepping Out on Your Own

Devotions for High School Graduates  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Whether a young person is beginning work full-time, continuing his or her education, or exploring the world, the time after high school graduation is a profound transition. Stepping Out On Your Own provides spiritual support that is important when developing new friendships and encountering new challenges. A meaningful gift from family, friends, and churches.