Kenneth H. Carter Jr. is resident bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. He gives pastoral and administrative leadership to almost 800 congregations, fresh expressions of church, campus ministries, and outreach initiatives in an episcopal area that stretches from Tallahassee and Jacksonville to Miami and the Keys. He came to the Florida Conference in 2012 after serving for 29 years as a local church pastor in western North Carolina. Bishop Carter is the author of 11 books, including "Pray for Me" (Upper Room Books, 2012) and Embracing The Wideness: The Shared Convictions of United Methodists (Abingdon Press, 2018). Carter and his wife, Pam, have two adult daughters. His hobbies and interests include baseball (MLB and spring training), Duke basketball, hiking, Florida seafood, North Carolina barbecue, travel, reading, and roots music.
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A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination

Kenneth H. Carter Jr., Kenneth H. Carter
What is scriptural imagination? The word imagination does not mean the Bible is fantasy or untrue. A scriptural imagination allows us to look at the world through the stories and images of the Bible. As we view our world with scriptural imagination, we enter a continuous process of becoming more Christlike. In A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination, Kenneth Carter focuses on four scripture passages to give readers an easy entry into the practice of scriptural imagination. Car...

Pray for Me

The Power in Praying for Others  
Kenneth H. Carter Jr., Kenneth H. Carter
"Pray for me," someone says to you. How seriously do you take such a request? Ken Carter, a pastor for nearly 30 years, says he has learned to honor the request "Pray for me" as a cry for help. "It is an acknowledgment that we are limited and finite creatures. It is a trust placed in a higher power," he comments. "It is always prompted by a situation that would not be desired, yet it is always an occasion for the grace of God." Carter compares a person in need—whether it's because of illness,...