Marc Brown is the Director of Connectional Ministries for the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. He served 24 years as pastor of small, mid and large churches in rural, suburban and urban settings. Churches where served as lead pastor experienced 50 to 100 percent growth in attendance and giving. Marc served 7 years as Richmond District Superintendent in Virginia. He chaired the Virginia Conference task force to implement a plan for beginning 250 new faith communities.
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Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders

Participant's Book  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Building on the congregational strategic planning resource, "Does Your Church Have a Prayer?" this Participant’s Book will guide Lay Servants seeking to be more empowered to lead their congregations toward vitality. Written with two distinct purposes, Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders will first define the three disciplines of Christian transformational leadership and the four qualities of Christian transformational leaders. The accompanying Leader's Guide is in PDF form and...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Leader's Guide

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Does Your Church Have a Prayer? presents a model of revitalization, transformation, and discipleship for congregations to fulfill Jesus' prayer in John 17. Your church can move from maintenance to mission, from defending current realities to living into a joyful future. The authors provide pastors and church leaders with a step-by-step planning guide that will equip them for the task of leading the church in a scripturally grounded visioning and strategic ministry planning process. "Every chu...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Participant's Workbook

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Finally! A resource that guides a congregation from settling for survival to embracing joyful service. This Participant's Workbook consists of 6 weeks of Bible studies that lead to adopting a collaborative 24-month congregational action plan. Each week's study offers a prayer to open the time together, questions to encourage scriptural reflection, and questions to facilitate feedback as the congregation makes intentional decisions about its mission and ministry. A Leader's Guide is also avail...