After 10 years serving as its fifth president, Maxie Dunnam is now serving as chancellor of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Dunnam came to Asbury after 12 years of ministry at the 6,000-member Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. From 1975 - 1982, Dunnam was world editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, and prior to that he was director of Prayer Life and Fellowship for The Upper Room. A prolific writer, Dunnam is the author of more than 30 books, including the widely used Workbook on? series, including Beatitudes and Ten Commandments.
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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

The Workbook on Abiding in Christ

The Way of Living Prayer  
Maxie Dunnam
"There is a place in God's heart that … only you can fill," writes Maxie Dunnam in this long-awaited sequel to The Workbook of Living Prayer. Eight weeks of daily readings in The Workbook on Abiding in Christ will help you find your place in God's heart and discover the secret to authentic Christian living. Through the brief teaching segments, scripture, ideas for reflecting and recording, suggestions for taking what you have learned from your prayer time into the day, and guides for group sh...

The Workbook on the Beatitudes

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Want to become more Christlike in your daily life? Best-selling, father-daughter authors Dunnam and Reisman will help you do that through this 8-week study. "When we wrote our previous workbook on the 10 Commandments, we intended to add a workbook on the Beatitudes," said Dunnam and Reisman. "The 10 Commandments from Mount Sinai and the Beatitudes from the mount in Capernaum combine to provide a way to be, to walk, and to relate. They offer critical values and principles to guide our every de...

The Workbook on the Ten Commandments

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
"Our culture is debating about when it's permissible to display the Ten Commandments," said a reviewer of this book. "The Workbook on the Ten Commandments will help them be displayed in the one place that matters: your life." Small groups looking for Bible study that meets real life will welcome this skillfully presented study of the Ten Commandments. Biblical context and contemporary application are woven throughout eight weeks of study. Reflection questions draw the reader deeper into God's...

Cuaderno de la oración viviente

Maxie Dunnam, Mary Lou Santillan-Baert
Cuaderno de la oración viviente es uno de los recursos más completos y prácticos que existen sobre la disciplina de la oración. Esta guía de estudio, de seis semanas de duración, provee al lector o a grupos pequeños: Información pertinente sobre la naturaleza, el significado y las posibilidades ilimitadas de la oración Oportunidades para la reflexión personal Sugerencias para hacer de su peregrinaje personal de la oración una vida de amistad y compañerismo con Dios

The Workbook on Keeping Company with the Saints

Maxie Dunnam
From the rich well of Christian spiritual writing, best-selling author Maxie Dunnam guides readers through the lives and teachings of Willam Law, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, and Teresa of Avila. Readers will discover how Dunnam's study of these faith pioneers influenced his life at pivotal points and how their teachings can transform Christians today. While many books explore the lives and words of these classic spiritual writers, none combines the features of this helpful, easy-to-r...

The Workbook of Living Prayer

Maxie Dunnam
One of the best-selling group resources ever published by The Upper Room, this dynamic and thought-provoking workbook will enrich your prayer life. "My prayer is that all who use this revised edition will not only learn something new about prayer, but more than anything else, will be inspired to pray," writes Dunnam. "Prayer is one of the ways we link ourselves with God, we put ourselves in the channel of God's moving power, and we participate with God in ministry to all persons…I am convince...

The Workbook on the Seven Deadly Sins

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
We're uncomfortable talking about it. We may try to ignore it or focus our attention on euphemisms: challenges, weaknesses to overcome, struggles, etc. We convince ourselves that the evil in the world is caused by sick people who are nothing like us. "Sin is real," write the authors of this best-selling workbook. "It's a part of each of us—even those in the church…All social ills are an extension of that which seethes and rages and contorts in the hearts of individuals." The Workbook on the S...

The Workbook on Virtues and the Fruit of the Spirit

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Some people say that virtue is out of fashion, but in their latest workbook, Maxie Dunnam and Kimberly Dunnam Reisman assert that it has never been more important. The authors explore the 7 cardinal virtues—wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, faith, hope, love, and the fruit of the spirit. They believe that our moral lives should reflect that we belong to God, and they are concerned that our present culture minimizes the importance of holy living for the Christian. Designed for either indiv...