Nell Noonan served in church educational ministry for over 30 years and also worked in public, school, and university libraries. She holds master's degrees in religious education and library science, as well as a D.Min. in biblical studies. She and her husband, Bob-for whom she is caregiver-live in Texas. Noonan is the author of another devotional book, Not Alone: Encouragement for Caregivers.
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La oración de una viuda

Encontrar la gracia de Dios en los días venideros  
Nell E. Noonan
Las crisis de la vida amenazan nuestra estabilidad espiritual. La pérdida de un ser querido -se espere o no su muerte- es siempre traumática. El trauma de adaptarse a la nueva realidad de viuda mientras se enfrenta a una multitud de preguntas y decisiones urgentes puede ser abrumador. En este libro de 60 meditaciones, Nell Noonan comparte con franqueza sus experiencias en los 26 meses posteriores a la muerte de su marido. Describe su recorrido en el duelo como una jornada repleta de bendicion...

A Widow's Prayer

Finding God's Grace in the Days Ahead  
Nell E. Noonan
Life crises threaten our spiritual stability. Losing a loved one—whether or not you expect their death—is always traumatic. The trauma of adjusting to the new identity of widow while facing a multitude of questions and urgent decisions can be overwhelming. In this book of 60 meditations, Nell Noonan candidly shares her experiences in the 26 months after the death of her husband. She describes her journey in grief as packed with blessings and brokenness. Despite the low points, she managed to ...

A Widow's Prayer Enlarged Print

Finding God's Grace in the Days Ahead  
Nell E. Noonan
Life crises threaten our spiritual stability. Losing a loved one—whether or not you expect their death—is always traumatic. The trauma of adjusting to the new identity of widow while facing a multitude of questions and urgent decisions can be overwhelming. In this book of 60 meditations, Nell Noonan candidly shares her experiences in the 26 months after the death of her husband. She describes her journey in grief as packed with blessings and brokenness. Despite the low points, she managed to ...

The Struggles of Caregiving

28 Days of Prayer  
Nell E. Noonan
Caregiving is a demanding task that takes a huge toll on the person providing care—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Nell Noonan, speaking from her own experience as caregiver for her husband, describes caregiving as a "cataclysmic spiritual experience." She says it's critical for caregivers to practice self-care so they can cope with their situation. Paying attention to one's spiritual health is especially important. The 28 Days format (4 weeks of brief daily readings that ...

Not Alone

Encouragement for Caregivers  
Nell E. Noonan
Caregivers have a front-row seat to suffering. Helping someone (most likely a close loved one) through disease, pain, frailty, and death exacts a tremendous toll. In the midst of caregiving, we often feel inadequate, fatigued, and overwhelmed with despair. The thought of reaching out for help does not occur to many caregivers, but we cannot go it alone-we need to find ways to connect with others. Self-care is also critical to our mental and physical health. Nell Noonan offers 150 honest and ...