Patricia Wilson is a graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto. Pat is the author of numerous books, including Freedom from Worry, When You Come Unglued, and Quiet Spaces: Prayer Interludes for Women. As a professional motivational speaker, she traveled throughout Canada, the United States, Great Britain, and the Philippines, bringing her seminars to thousands of people. Pat is retired and lives in Pictou, Nova Scotia.
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Espacios de calma

Momentos de oración para mujeres  
Patricia Wilson
La relación íntima con Dios que has anhelado está a tu alcance, a pesar del caos de hacer malabares con múltiples responsabilidades, tiempos límites y de las diferentes labores de tu vida estirada hasta el máximo. Con Espacios de calma puedes aprender a calmar tu mente y a escuchar la voz apacible y tranquila de Dios en medio de la turbulencia a tu alrededor. La escritora y conferencista profesional Patricia Wilson sabe lo que es luchar para encontrar algunos minutos para ella misma. A trav...

Freedom from Worry

28 Days of Prayer  
Patricia Wilson
Are you waking several times a night, obsessing over some situation you can't control? Perhaps you're anxious about your job, a strained relationship, your children, your finances, aging parents, health issues, or the state of the world. God calls you to leave your worrying behind, Patricia Wilson reminds you in this brief book packed with helpful suggestions for letting go of your worries. Twenty-eight days of prayer can help reduce your anxiety level. Meditate on the devotions and pray the ...

When You Come Unglued... Stick Close to God

Patricia Wilson
Even when your life and faith seem broken, God loves you and wants you to enjoy a life abundant in blessings, freedom, and opportunity. Motivational speaker, spiritual guide, and mentor to women, Patricia Wilson offers a wise and lighthearted take on the serious business of maturing in faith. Her deliciously candid descriptions of contemporary life reveal the ways we lose touch with God. Then she shows us how to reconnect and stick close. "Sticking close to God is not as easy as I thought it ...

Quiet Spaces

Prayer Interludes for Women  
Patricia Wilson
The intimate relationship with God you've yearned for is well within your grasp—despite the chaos of juggling multiple roles, deadlines, and commitments in your stretched-to-the-max life. With Quiet Spaces, you can learn to calm your mind and listen for God's still, small voice in the midst of the tumult around you. Author and former professional speaker Patricia Wilson knows what it's like to struggle with finding a few minutes for herself. Through Quiet Spaces she shows how even a few stray...