Rob Fairly is Vice President of the United Methodist Foundation of Louisiana and provides general financial consultation to churches, institutions, and individuals throughout the state. A lifelong Methodist and an active member of First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge, he has served in numerous local church leadership positions on the district and conference levels. Rob is a member of the National Committee on Planned Giving and the current president of the Planned Giving Council of Greater Baton Rouge, a collaboration of nonprofit organizations, professional advisors and other community leaders established to promote public interest in charitable giving.
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Creative Giving

Understanding Planned Giving and Endowments in Church  
Michael Reeves, Rob Fairly, Sanford Coon
Creative Giving is a perfect book for church leaders who have no expertise in the area of planned or creative giving. It is an excellent resource for helping non-experts think about estate planning and stewardship within the mission and ministry of the church. A comprehensive guide, Creative Giving guides church leaders in understanding the transfer of wealth through planned giving. The authors equip church leaders with the tools to develop a creative giving program within the congregation.