Robert Benson is a writer, retreat leader, and conference speaker. After 25 years in religious publishing as a copywriter, an editor, and an executive, Benson now writes full-time. A graduate of the Academy for Spiritual Formation, Benson is also a member of the Friends of Silence and of the Poor, an ecumenical order of laypeople.
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That We May Perfectly Love Thee

Preparing Our Hearts for Holy Communion  
Robert Benson
Why is it important to prepare your heart for Holy Communion? Holy Communion (also known as the Lord's Supper, service of Word and Table, or Eucharist) is an act of worship that Christians are called to offer to God, Robert Benson believes. "[The observance of Communion] is a critical part of our life together," he notes. "It seems critically important that we approach this act of praise and thanksgiving with some measure of reverence." Benson invites us to take a fresh look at this central p...