Rueben P. Job (1922?2015) was a retired bishop of the United Methodist Church and former World Editor of The Upper Room. A pioneer in spiritual formation for his denomination, he wrote numerous books on the spiritual life and developed several spiritual enrichment programs. Bishop Job and his friend Norman Shawchuck coauthored A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants as a result of their own hunger for God and for a resource that could be their constant companion on the journey toward a deeper and more consistent relationship with God. This was the first in the four-volume Guide to Prayer series. A native of North Dakota, Rueben and his wife, Beverly, made their home in Nashville, Tennessee.
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A Guide to Prayer for All Who Walk with God (Paperback Edition)

Rueben P. Job, John S. Mogabgab, Norman Shawchuck
This book, the fourth in The Upper Room's bestselling "Guide to Prayer" series, offers a simple pattern of daily prayer built around weekly themes and organized by the Christian church year. Each week follows this pattern: Affirmation Psalm Psalm Prayer Daily Scripture Readings Silence Daily Reading Reflection (Silent or Written) Prayers Offering of Self to God Blessing The daily readings are drawn from the history of Christian spirituality and feature such writers as Francis of...

A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
For more than 20 years, people have turned to the Guide to Prayer series for their daily devotional time. Thousands of readers appreciate the series' simple structure of daily worship, rich spiritual writings, lectionary guidelines, and poignant prayers. Each day offers guidance for an opening affirmation, a petition of prayer, and daily scripture selections. The "Readings for Reflection" reach back to early Christian classics and include voices from contemporary spiritual writing. Excerpts ...

Companions in Christ Participant's Book in 1 Volume

Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available. This revised edition combines the first five Companions in Christ Participant's Books in one volume. If you're considering Companions in Christ for your church, begin with this book. This one-volume introduction to Companions in Christ moves through an uninterrupted 28-week study of five topics: spiritual formation scripture prayer vocation spiritual co...

Embracing the Journey, Participant's Book, Vol. 1

Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson
A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available. Embracing the Journey: The Way of Christ focuses on an exploration of spiritual formation as an individual and corporate journey toward wholeness and holiness through the grace of God. This book is the first segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The 5-piece participant series is designed for groups that will...

Compañerismo en Cristo Libro del participante

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
Compañerismo en Cristo, Guía del líder también está disponible. El libro del participante incluye 28 semanas de lecturas y ejercicios dividas en 5 secciones. Los temas de cada semana son presentados por autores reconocidos quienes tienen conocimientos amplios sobre cada tema. En estos capítulos introductorios, escritores como Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele González, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson y Wendy Wright combinan el testimonio personal con lo mejor de la tradición cristian...

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People

Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A compilation of scripture, prayers and spiritual readings, this inexhaustible resource contains thematically arranged material for each week of the year and for monthly personal retreats. Its contents have made it a sought-after desk reference, a valuable library resource, and a cherished companion. Includes excerpts from such writers as Thomas Merton, Evelyn Underhill, Albert Schweitzer, Eugene Peterson, Esther de Waal, Thérèse of Lisieux, and many others.

A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A best seller for nearly 3 decades! This classic devotional and prayer book is a compilation of scriptures, prayers, readings from well-known spiritual writers, and hymn texts. Each week centers on a different theme and follows this format: invocation, psalm, daily scripture readings, readings for reflection, prayers (for the church, myself, others), reflection time, and a hymn. The back of the book contains models for 12 personal one-day retreats. Featured writers include William Barclay...

Living Fully, Dying Well DVD

Rueben P. Job
Our best decisions about life's important events are seldom made in a time of crisis. Living Fully and Dying Well is a resource designed to assist us in making careful, wise and prayerful preparation for meeting life's most important moments. In this study, participants will learn how to face openly and unafraid the benefits and limitations of aging and end of life decisions. This companion DVD offers eight video segments to open group discussion as well as downloadable helps and two addition...

Living Fully, Dying Well

Participant's Book  
Rueben P. Job
Our best decisions about life's most important events are seldom made in a time of crisis. Living Fully, Dying Well is a book designed to assist us in making careful, wise and prayerful preparation for meeting life's most important moments. This book can be read alone or part of the eight session study see the Living Fully, Dying Well Planning Kit for more information about the study. Click here to read the Introduction.

Living Fully, Dying Well

Leader's Guide  
Rueben P. Job
Our best decisions about life's important events are seldom made in a time of crisis. Living Fully, Dying Well is a study designed to assist us in making careful, wise and prayerful preparation for meeting life's most important moments. This is the leader's guide for the study Living Fully, Dying Well through which participants will learn how to face openly and unafraid the benefits and limitations of aging and end of life decisions. Read the Introduction.