Sabrina N. Short is a ministry consultant specializing in community engagement and served as communication co-chair on the Youth 2015 design team. She has been recognized for her work with youth in the areas of social justice and youth-led community organizing. A former faith-based community organizer, she serves United Methodist institutions advocating youth leadership in ministry and mission. Sabrina has more than fifteen years' experience in the nonprofit field and has partnered with numerous organizations to empower disenfranchised communities. She is the wife of a United Methodist pastor and is the mother of one son.
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Building Spiritual Muscle

A Six-Week Journey to Shape a More Powerful Faith  
Sabrina N. Short, Chris Wilterdink
This six-session Bible Study and discipleship resource designed for youth will help work out their spiritual muscles and build their faith. Included in this resource are scripts for training and coaching the adult group leaders, as well as links to video clips of key speakers from the Youth 2015 event. The brief video clips will guide discussion for groups, with individuals setting their own learning and spiritual growth goals.This resource with help strengthen its users' faith and develop le...