Stephen D. Bryant was the world editor and publisher of Upper Room Ministries from 1997 to 2009 and is currently directing international ministry initiatives for the General Board of Discipleship. Before his election as world editor and publisher, Bryant served as director of spiritual formation for The Upper Room and as the international director of The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis movements. His vision of small groups as important settings for spiritual formation and his experience in the contemplative life as well as local churches provided the inspiration for the Companions in Christ series. Bryant was instrumental in shaping the foundational 28-week resource.
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¿Qué es Emaús?

Caminata a Emaús  
Stephen D. Bryant
Este cuadernillo de 40 páginas contiene información sobre lo que ocurre durante un fin de semana de Emaús, qué deben esperar los participantes y cómo Emaús puede ayudar a las congregaciones. El recurso tiene repuestas para las preguntas más comunes acerca de Emaús, la comunidad de Emaús y los grupos de seguimiento de Emaús (reunión de grupos). Es un excelente recurso para aquellos que están considerando asistir a un retiro Emaús de fin de semana.

The Way of Prayer Participant's Book

Stephen D. Bryant, Jane E. Vennard
The Way of Prayer Leader's Guide is also available. It's said that prayer is so primal an urge for humankind that we're born into the world praying. Yet, something so natural and seemingly so easy comes hard sometimes. The Way of Prayer is a 10-week small-group study about the nature, practice, and results of prayer. Some forms of prayer arise in our lives spontaneously, some are learned by rote, and others are stumbled upon as we move through life. "All prayer, formal or informal, is about ...

Companions in Christ Leader's Guide (Revised)

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson, Janice T. Grana
Companions in Christ Participant's Book in 1 Volume is available for small-group members. Companions in Christ Leader's Guide is designed to develop you as a leader in guiding the spiritual life of your congregation. This resource gives you an overview of the Christian spiritual life and the practices that help people enter into the formative pattern of Christ's life: a life of prayer, study and service. Help your small-group members move from information (knowledge about) to experience (know...

The Way of Transforming Discipleship Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Transforming Discipleship Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. Everything you need to guide a small group in a 6-week exploration of authentic Christian spirituality is contained in this Leader's Guide. Find the very practical help you need: Ideas for a session to introduce the resource to participants A list of Weekly Needs at a Glance Detailed instructions for leading five weekly meetings Meaningful Deeper Explorations of the spiritual life Plans for ...

The Way of Transforming Discipleship Participant's Book

Trevor Hudson, Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Transforming Discipleship Leader's Guide is also available. Are you becoming the person God wants you to be? Discover a way to authentic Christian spirituality through this 6-week study. By shining the light of God's Word into the darkness of our lives, Hudson and Bryant will lead you to a pathway of discovery and growth. Explore the markers of the journey: Becoming a Christ-Follower Knowing Who We Are Changing from the Inside Listening to the Groans Experiencing the God Who He...

The Group Reunion

Walk to Emmaus  
Stephen D. Bryant
Designed for persons who have participated in The Walk to Emmaus, this helpful booklet provides ideas on joining follow-up accountability groups, organizing groups, and improving the quality of groups as a means of growth in grace.

Exploring the Way Leader's Guide

An Introduction to the Spiritual Journey  
Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
Exploring the Way Participant's Book is available for small-group members. This user-friendly Leader's Guide provides complete guidance, content, and background material for each of the weekly meetings. Also included is general information about Christian spirituality and disciplines. It's the perfect condensed orientation to Companions in Christ! All weekly group gatherings follow the same basic outline: Opening time of welcoming, centering, and worship (5 minutes) Sharing insights from th...

Compañerismo en Cristo Guía del líder

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson, Janice T. Grana
Compañerismo en Cristo, Libro del participante también está disponible para miembros de grupos pequeños. Usted explorará a profundidad las Escrituras, aprenderá a escuchar a Dios por medio de ellas, y permitirá a su vida ser formada por la Palabra. Experimentará nuevas dimensiones de la oración, practicará nuevas formas de abrir su vida a Dios, y aprenderá lo que significa practicar la presencia de Dios. Usted reflexionará sobre el llamado de Cristo a su vida y descubrirá de nuevo los dones ...

The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant
The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide provides everything you need to lead small groups through this 9-week study of the Beatitudes, including a preparatory meeting. The Leader's Guide contains detailed weekly session plans and a list of Weekly Needs at a Glance to make preparation for each meeting simple and quick. Each Leader's Guide in the Companions in Christ series assumes leaders are new to the formati...

The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide is also available. The Way of Blessedness invites readers to cultivate the dispositions of the soul as outlined in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which suit us for the reign of God while drawing us into its realm. Jesus portrays the reign of God in terms that are contrary to social hierarchy — in his time as well as our own. It is a realm of outlandish generosity and uncommon compassion. This is a 9-week study of the spiritual practices that help us turn a...