Susan Jackson is the Western Regional Leader for Chrysalis. She currently serves as lay leader at Bear Creek United Methodist Church in Woodinville, Washington. Serving as an educator for 40 years, her career includes classroom teaching part-time administrative work, parent education, and early childhood education. Susan is (as of 2011) working on a dissertation in Gifted Education. She is the mother of two adult children and the grandmother of two grandsons.
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The Role of Agape

Walk to Emmaus  
Susan Jackson, Cinda McCracken
As a way of infusing participants with a sense of God's unconditional (agape) love, tangible signs of agape are everywhere during a Walk to Emmaus or a Chrysalis weekend. This book explains the various forms of agape and anonymous acts of servanthood that are vital to communicating unconditional love during each 3-day event.