The Upper Room is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual life of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. From its beginnings in 1935 as a daily devotional guide, The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service.
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The Upper Room Disciplines 2025 Enlarged Print

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Longing for daily spiritual renewal with God? The Upper Room Disciplines is essential reading for all who yearn to live everyday grounded in God's word and hope. In this beloved and bestselling year-long devotional, you'll find inspiring daily meditations and prayers from diverse Christian thought leaders to help deepen your daily life with God. Each week, a different thought leader will provide fresh perspectives and meaningful reflections to deepen your understanding of scripture and God's longings for you and your community. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of scripture readings, Disciplines sparks new insights and revelations on scripture being prayed with and preached around the world. Disciplines also includes a Small Group Leader's Guide, and a Guide to Daily Prayer. Among the writers for the 2025 edition of Disciplines are Jorge Acevedo, Bishop Sidwell Mokgothu, Osheta Moore, J. Dana Trent, Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth, and Nadiyka Gerbish.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2025

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Longing for daily spiritual renewal with God? The Upper Room Disciplines is essential reading for all who yearn to live everyday grounded in God's word and hope. In this beloved and bestselling year-long devotional, you'll find inspiring daily meditations and prayers from diverse Christian thought leaders to help deepen your daily life with God. Each week, a different thought leader will provide fresh perspectives and meaningful reflections to deepen your understanding of scripture and God's longings for you and your community. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of scripture readings, Disciplines sparks new insights and revelations on scripture being prayed with and preached around the world. Disciplines also includes a Small Group Leader's Guide, and a Guide to Daily Prayer. Among the writers for the 2025 edition of Disciplines are Jorge Acevedo, Bishop Sidwell Mokgothu, Osheta Moore, J. Dana Trent, Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth, and Nadiyka Gerbish.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2024

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Challenge yourself to a deeper relationship with Christ each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations and prayers that will help you engage in God's Word.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2024, Enlarged-Print Edition

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room

Challenge yourself to a deeper relationship with Christ each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations and prayers that will help you engage in God's Word.

The Upper Room Disciplines 2023, Enlarged-Print Edition

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room
Strength for Your Spiritual Journey Center your heart and mind on God each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations, scripture readings, and prayers that will help you engage God’s Word. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of Sunday scripture readings, Disciplines features: a focal scri...

The Upper Room Disciplines 2023

A Book of Daily Devotions  
The Upper Room
Strength for Your Spiritual Journey Center your heart and mind on God each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations, scripture readings, and prayers that will help you engage God’s Word.

Emaús Manual de la Comunidad

Ministerios de Emaús  
The Upper Room
Manual de la Comunidad de los Ministerios de Emaús Este recurso reemplaza tanto al Manual de El Aposento Alto para Emaús como al Manual de El Aposento Alto para Crisálida. Explica los pormenores, los porqués y los cómos de los cuatro ministerios de Emaús de El Aposento Alto: La Caminata a Emaús, Crisálida, Cara a Cara, y Jornada a la Mesa. El Manual de la Comunidad de los Ministerios de Emaús ofrece una visión general y una explicación completa del movimiento Emaús y de todos los ministerio...

Emaús Manual de Directores

Caminata a Emaús  
The Upper Room
El Manual de Directores de la Caminata a Emaús está especialmente diseñado para los directores y las directoras de la Caminata del fin de semana (laicos/as y clérigos/as) e incluye información para ayudar a los directores y las directoras del fin de semana a apoyar los papeles de todo el equipo de la sala de conferencias. Este manual incluye los procedimientos básicos para el Evento del fin de semana, horarios, guías para todos los miembros del equipo y recursos reproducibles. Este producto n...

Emaús Manual del Equipo

Caminata a Emaús  
The Upper Room
El Manual del Equipo de la Caminata a Emaús es muy necesario para todas las personas encargadas del Evento tanto para su uso en la preparación para el servicio, así como para su uso en las reuniones del equipo. Ayuda a los miembros del equipo de la sala de conferencias a desarrollar un entendimiento de La Caminata a Emaús y de lo que se espera de ellos/ellas durante la Caminata. Este producto no tiene descuento.

The Upper Room Book of Christmas Carols

The Upper Room
Can you imagine Advent and Christmas without the beloved, familiar carols? Featuring an array of favorite seasonal hymns that reflect a diversity of origin, language, and theology, The Upper Room Book of Christmas Carols is perfect for your church and choir. Discounts are available for purchasing multiple copies. The book features a carol service and 29 Christmas carols, including "Angels We Have Heard on High" "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella" "Deck the Halls" "Go, Tell It on the Mountai...