Thomas R. Steagald is pastor of Hawthorne Lane United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. The author of 5 books, he has also contributed to many journals and commentaries. Steagald serves as the spiritual director for the Central Carolinas Emmaus Community. He is a regular blogger for The Christian Century at
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Sacred Days

Following Jesus Through the Christian Year  
Thomas R. Steagald
Praise for Sacred Days Tom Steagald knows how to write, which is to say he knows how to use his own true voice instead of one he has borrowed for the occasion. He also knows how to read, finding in the Gospels not just the same old stories we have heard all our lives but glimpses of the astonishing treasure to be found in those stories if we have our hearts open as well as our eyes." —Frederick Buechner, author "Christ takes time and thereby redeems time. This is the testimony of the church....

A House of Prayer

The Power of Praying in Community  
Thomas R. Steagald
A House of Prayer begins with a personal story: a moment of a deep sense of isolation and spiritual distress that gives way to a deep sense of abiding connectedness and community. That movement from isolation to serenity by means of praying together, spiritually or physically, is the emphasis of this book. Steagald believes that praying together allows the church to become "one," as Jesus intended, and the "body" St. Paul described. The author incorporates memoir, travelogue, reflection on sc...

Shadows, Darkness, and Dawn

A Lenten Journey with Jesus  
Thomas R. Steagald
How will you make more room for God in your life this Lent? Let Thomas Steagald be your travel guide as you journey through Lent with Jesus. Steagald skillfully moves you from being a mere observer to becoming an actual participant in the scripture stories. You'll enter the wilderness with Jesus. Later, you'll meet some of the people who are touched by Jesus: Nicodemus the woman at the well the man who was born blind Mary and Martha after the death of their brother, Lazarus religious and go...