Whitney R. Simpson is a soul care practitioner who offers yoga, spiritual direction, workshops, and retreats to help people find wholeness and God's peace. She completed certification in spiritual formation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, is a certified lay minister who serves as a spiritual director, and is a certified 500-hour master yoga instructor. Whitney is a member of The Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders, Spiritual Directors International, and Redbud Writers Guild. Find out more at Whitney's website: www.exploringpeace.com.
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Fully Human, Fully Divine

An Advent Devotional for the Whole Self  
Whitney R. Simpson
In preparation for the Advent season, embrace this experiential devotional created for your body and your spirit. Every day of this 4-week devotional includes a spiritual practice for your mind and body.

Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit

Whitney R. Simpson
Many of us long to hear God's voice, yet we often overlook the great wisdom God gave us in our bodies. There is a deep connection between our bodies and spirits. What might happen if we listened more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies? How might listening with our whole selves change the way we listen to God? A stroke at age 31 forced Whitney Simpson to slow down and listen more deeply to her body. In the process she discovered how to listen more deeply to God. During her journey of healing a...

Fully Human, Fully Divine

An Embodied Advent  
Whitney R. Simpson

To embody an idea is to give a concept tangible human form. I can see it! I can touch it! Whitney Simpson’s Fully Human, Fully Divine invites us to an embodied Advent—an embracing of the concepts and ideas of the Advent season fully, with our whole selves. Christ modeled for us what it meant to be both fully human and fully divine. This Advent resource invites us to practice our humanity aware of the light of Christ within us. It challenges us to live right here, right now as we await the birth of the Christ Child, the embodiment of God’s presence.