Lay Servant Ministries



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Showing 41 - 43 of 43 results

Worshiping with United Methodists

Revised Edition  
Hoyt L. Hickman
Revised and updated, this popular book shows pastors and worship leaders the basics of United Methodist worship. In this straightforward and updated commentary, Hoyt Hickman explains the basic pattern of United Methodist worship within the broader context of Christian worship. Drawing upon five basic principles, the author explains the formative nature of worship and how it can revitalize persons' lives. These principles are: God's Word is primary; active congregational participation is cruci...

Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the United Methodist Church

Thomas E. Frank
"Commissioned by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for use in United Methodist doctrine/polity/history courses." This in-depth analysis of the connection between United Methodist polity and theology addresses ways in which historical developments have shaped--and continue to shape--the organization of the church. This revised edition incorporates the actions of The United Methodist General Conference, 2004. The book discusses continuing reforms of the church's plan for baptis...

The Worship Workshop

Creative Ways to Design Worship Together  
Marcia McFee
The Worship Workshop, rather than providing simply another manual for doing worship, offers instead an interactive workshop that helps worship teams develop more meaningful and memorable worship for the congregation. By combining liturgical history and the creative process, The Worship Workshop encourages worship teams and staff to break out of the traditional worship box in order to create diverse ways to present the Good News in worship. Through a variety of activities, ideas, and informat...