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Showing 341 - 350 of 511 results

A Life-Shaping Prayer

52 Meditations in the Wesleyan Spirit  
Paul Wesley Chilcote
Who is God to you? What can you give to God? How does God shape your life? How do you live as a disciple of Christ? Drawing on the rich resources of the Methodist tradition, A Life-Shaping Prayer is a beautifully written devotional resource. Centered around a prayer of an early Wesley follower, the themes of this book lead to a rediscovery of what it means to practice faith. Advocating a holistic spirituality where prayer and life are interconnected, Chilcote's premise will make God incre...

Celebrating the Offering

Melvin Amerson, James Amerson
In a culture where it's easy to think of ourselves as self-made, we need a reminder that all blessings have been given to us by a generous God. In many congregations, the offering happens without much forethought. We may even consider it a crass interruption to the spiritual flow of worship. But it's actually an important, biblical part of the service. It gives us a chance to focus on giving thanks and giving back to the God who has so generously given to us. If you're looking to revitalize ...

Companion to The Africana Worship Book

Safiyah Fosua, Valerie Bridgeman Davis
Worship is when "God shows up and shows out!" African-American worship affirms that an active God embodies human lives through companionship and communion. This volume of essays, interlacing worship pieces with reflections from prominent leaders and emerging thinkers in Africana life, is designed to help churches, professors, and students reflect more deeply on worship and practice. Building a bridge of understanding through collective experiences, the Companion to the Africana Worship Book s...

Mission Trips That Matter

Embodied Faith for the Sake of the World  
Don C. Richter
You've packed your duffel bag, cut back and repacked, gotten your passport in order, winced your way through the vaccinations, researched the culture and learned critical phrases in the native language. Perhaps you've been so busy preparing to do mission that you've overlooked preparing to be mission. Sometimes, it's only after you return from a journey that you realize just how much you received compared to what you gave. Mission trips and alternative spring breaks are on the rise. Millions ...

The Children's Minister

Rita B. Hays
Your church's outreach to children and their parents are top-notch. The nursery and Sunday school classes are full and offer great faith-learning experiences. The daycare and parents-day-out services are thriving. But what if a child who's a part of your church family reveals his dog just died? Her mom and dad are divorcing? The family is moving to another city? These are pastoral (not programming) issues. Is your church prepared to be in ministry with children? To relate with children where ...

From Your Heart to Theirs, Participant's Guide

Delivering an Effective Sermon  
Tony Franks, David Carroll
"Let me tell you a story." Since childhood, those introductory words capture our attention like few others. Sharing our faith story can be just as captivating and influential. Yet even the most experienced public speaker may need help preparing a sermon that's both engaging and compelling. Franks and Carroll will help you develop such a sermon. The parts of this helpful experiential guide for novice and already certified lay speakers include types of sermons, from exegetical to topical to t...

From Your Heart to Theirs, Instructor's Guide

Delivering an Effective Sermon  
Tony Franks, David Carroll
The instructor's guide for From Your Heart to Theirs breaks down the important ideas to relate as you plan your study, the preparatory tasks, logistical steps, and the session goals in short, practical outlines. The objective of this guide is to help you lead a 10-hour advanced course for certified lay speakers who want to hone their preaching skills. During the training, you'll lay the groundwork to help each speaker present a short sermon, and you'll be equipped to coach them to do their be...

Retreats for Renewal

5 Models for Intergenerational Weekends  
Nancy Ferguson
We run through our days—going from appointment to appointment, responsibility to responsibility, activity to activity. Harried and hurried, we disconnect with family, friends, and God. From the moment of creation, God's intention was that we would stop on a regular basis for rest and renewal. God also made us to yearn for relationships and community. Hosting a weekend intergenerational retreat encourages sabbath time and deepens relationships within the whole congregation. It will offer a cha...

Gathered Together

Creating Personal Liturgies for Healing and Transformation  
Tilda Norberg
How can the church honor a person's profound experience of struggle, change or celebration? How can corporate worship link to the unique and real-life needs of the people in the pews? God wants us to be whole. One of the purposes of the church is to encourage that. However, in seeking to provide something for everyone, corporate worship traditions may have lost a personal touch that members need. Perhaps your most dedicated parishioner, for whatever reason, looks outside the congregation for ...

One Day at a Time

Discovering the Freedom of 12-Step Spirituality  
Trevor Hudson
Each day brings news of someone entering rehab for treatment. While many people struggle with obvious addictions such as alcoholism or substance abuse, less evident but just-as-serious problems may lie below the most composed surface. In One Day at a Time Hudson takes a fresh look at the Twelve Steps used by Alcoholics Anonymous. These practical guiding principles of recovery can help you, whatever your struggle, to reclaim self-worth and renewal. Discover how the Twelve Steps can help you h...