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Showing 351 - 360 of 511 results

Afire with God

Becoming Spirited Stewards  
Betsy Schwarzentraub
Stewardship is a dirty word in most churches. Pastors preach about it knowing they must while members sit uncomfortably through the "it's-that-time-again" sermons and other appeals. Afire with God urges ministries and congregations to become stewards-in-action of all God has entrusted to us. Members go beyond thinking in terms of dollars contributed to see stewardship as becoming living examples of the gospel. "Real stewardship is radical, which means going to the roots of our faith," writes ...

The Jesus Priorities

8 Essential Habits  
Christopher Maricle
"Imagine my surprise at learning that I needed to get to know my God a lot better." Despite lifelong Christian devotion, Maricle came to this startling realization after experiencing a crisis of faith. "I needed answers that are so fundamental to Christian living," he writes. "Why is this life, at times, so hard? Why isn't my faith helping me? Why am I finding no comfort in prayer? These questions—and the struggles behind them—challenged all my notions of faith, my perception of God and the...

Reclaiming the Wesleyan Tradition

John Wesley's Sermons for Today  
Robert McDonald-Walker, Kevin Watson, Douglas M. Strong, ...
Come back home to God! Salvation is a central theme in John Wesley's writings. Wesley urged people to become and continually grow as committed disciples of Jesus Christ. His appeals and reasoning are just as relevant today as they were in the 18th century. "Wesley's 'Way of Salvation' is a road map of the journey of humanity toward God," write the authors. "It's a pathway of grace in which we respond to God with increasing self-awareness of our separation and our need to come back home. Our a...

When You Come Unglued... Stick Close to God

Patricia Wilson
Even when your life and faith seem broken, God loves you and wants you to enjoy a life abundant in blessings, freedom, and opportunity. Motivational speaker, spiritual guide, and mentor to women, Patricia Wilson offers a wise and lighthearted take on the serious business of maturing in faith. Her deliciously candid descriptions of contemporary life reveal the ways we lose touch with God. Then she shows us how to reconnect and stick close. "Sticking close to God is not as easy as I thought it ...

The Africana Worship Book (Year B)

Safiyah Fosua, Valerie Bridgeman Davis
The second volume of this compilation includes all new Africana worship references and great new features?including a worship plan for young adults, articles on the Africana worship praxis, short dramatic monologues and sound files. Like the first volume, Volume 2 offers new, specially written… calls to worship liturgies prayers litanies offertory prayers doxologies choral readings creeds chants and benedictions Contributors includ...

Simply Wait

Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent  
Originally $13.99. Reduced to $7.99. What if it really wasn't that hard to find more peace, more quiet, more room in your heart for the Christ child to be born? Hawkins will guide you—calmly and simply—through the busy season of Advent, and you'll come out of the four weeks more centered, rested, and spiritually renewed. "The idea for this book arose from my own experience of contemplative prayer, prayer that finds its home, not in busy doing or speaking, but in becoming, in being," writes Ha...

Talking in the Dark

Praying When Life Doesn't Make Sense  
Steve Harper
Have you ever stopped praying? When life seems unfair and prayer doesn't seem to make any difference, you may quit praying. Most people who admit that they stopped praying for a while, including the author, say they felt as if they were suffocating after a period without prayer. "Sometimes I think God has called me to speak, write, and teach about prayer so I won't give up on it altogether," writes Harper. "After more than forty years of praying, I still don't understand prayer. …Prayer doe...

Get Real

A Spiritual Journey for Men  
Finally, a book for men's spiritual development that actually starts with Jesus. Not lightly baptized Jungian archetypes. Not secular stereotypes that seek to present Jesus as a "man's man." This is good stuff. —John OrtbergPastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian ChurchAuthor of The Life You've Always Wanted What exactly does it mean to be a Christian in today's world? Particularly, what does it mean to be a Christian man in 21st-century American culture? Derek Maul, an award-winning columnist and ...

Get Real Leader's Guide

A Spiritual Journey for Men  
"Sometimes it's tough to accept the truth that God did not create us to take on this world alone. Sure, Jesus, works powerfully in our individual lives. But God typically achieves his most compelling work where two or three—or just a few more—are gathered together." Maul offers practical suggestions for a 10-week study of Get Real: A Spiritual Journey for Men. This Leader's Guide can be used in a number of ways: with small groups of 6-12 men who meet and study together on a regular basis wi...

Let the Children Give

Time, Talents, Love, and Money  
Delia Halverson
Let the Children Give provides adults the resources to demonstrate and teach a stewardship lifestyle to kids. Stewardship is more than a church committee assigned to raise money for the budget. Christians are expected to act as responsible caretakers of everything we've been given by God. All have abilities to accomplish this work, and the apostle Paul reminds us that everyone, including children, must work together. Each of us holds an important role in Christ's mission. "With our abilities ...