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Showing 501 - 510 of 511 results

Fresh Air 4 Series

A collection of books that explore four topics: the powerful emotion of anger, the freedom of forgiveness, the role hope in our lives, and cultivating compassion in our lives. A delightful gift for any occasion.

Companions in Christ Starter Kit

This set includes one copy of the Companions in Christ Leader's Guide and 10 copies of the Companions in Christ Participant's Book in One Volume. This is a $220 value for $175. No other discounts apply for this starter kit. To read more about this volume of Companions in Christ or to buy individual copies of the Participant's Book, click here. To buy single copies of the Leader's Guide, click here. (Note: To buy additional copies of the Participant's Book, consider buying in bulk. You can fi...

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series

This series of 4 titles from beloved writer Henri J. M. Nouwen will help you with fundraising, caregiving, creating space for God in your life, and finding your true home in God. A Spirituality of Fundraising Instead of viewing fundraising as a chore, Henri Nouwen invites us to see it as a ministry—a way to ask others to join in our mission and support it financially. Essential for finance committees and anyone who raises money for mission trips, nonprofits, ministry, or business. A Spirit...

The Upper Room Disciplines

One copy of The Upper Room Disciplines per year in regular print. Center your heart and mind on God each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations, scripture readings, and prayers that will help you engage God’s Word.

Combinar meditación diaria impresa + digital

Una suscripción anual que combina todo el contenido y características de la guía de meditaciones diarias El Aposento Alto – online, en su aparato móvil y versión impresa.

La misión de la guía de meditaciones El Aposento Alto es proveer un modelo de cristianismo práctico, para ayudar a las personas a sentirse invitadas y bienvenidas a la presencia de Dios para:

  • escuchar la Escritura como el mensaje personal de Dios, uniendo sus relatos con el relato de Dios;
  • estar en comunión con Dios en oración, ver sus opciones diarias y pequeños actos de obediencia como parte de la obra de Dios;
  • entender nuestra conexión a través de Cristo como una familia universal de creyentes;
  • tener un encuentro con el Cristo vivo y ser transformadas a la imagen de Cristo.

The Upper Room daily devotional | Regular Print and Digital Combo

A one-year combo subscription to all content and features of The Upper Room daily devotional guide online, on your mobile device, and in regular print. The Upper Room is a daily devotional magazine published in more than 35 languages and 100 countries around the world. The daily meditations are written by readers of the magazine and others interested in sharing their faith experiences through writing.

The Upper Room Disciplines Print and Digital Combo

The Upper Room Disciplines provides profound yet succinct daily meditations for going deeper in your spiritual walk. This bestselling book follows the lectionary scripture readings and is written by today's Christian thought leaders.

The Upper Room daily devotional | Large Print and Digital Combo

A one-year combo subscription to all content and features of The Upper Room daily devotional guide online, on your mobile device, and in large print. The Upper Room is a daily devotional magazine published in more than 35 languages and 100 countries around the world. The daily meditations are written by readers of the magazine and others interested in sharing their faith experiences through writing.

The Upper Room Disciplines - Digital

Center your heart and mind on God each day with The Upper Room Disciplines. Readings in this year-long devotional will awaken and strengthen your awareness of God’s presence in your daily life. Each week a different Christian thought leader offers daily meditations, scripture readings, and prayers that will help you engage God’s Word. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary...