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Showing 491 - 500 of 511 results

Sustaining the Spirit

The Emmaus Library Series  
William F. Gusey
This booklet is a personal guide to the ministry of The Walk to Emmaus for members of Emmaus teams. It is designed for the Emmaus board to give to team members during their initial meetings.

Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts

Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit  
Charles V. Bryant
Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack is available for use with small-group members. This book identifies, defines, and discusses 32 spiritual gifts including giving, healing, hospitality, service, evangelism, and music. Bryant encourages you to discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and challenges you to use these gifts to build up the body of Christ. The book includes a "Grace Gifts Inventory" to help you identify and apply the spiritual gifts in your life.

A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A best seller for nearly 3 decades! This classic devotional and prayer book is a compilation of scriptures, prayers, readings from well-known spiritual writers, and hymn texts. Each week centers on a different theme and follows this format: invocation, psalm, daily scripture readings, readings for reflection, prayers (for the church, myself, others), reflection time, and a hymn. The back of the book contains models for 12 personal one-day retreats. Featured writers include William Barclay...

Fully Human, Fully Divine

An Embodied Advent  
Whitney R. Simpson

To embody an idea is to give a concept tangible human form. I can see it! I can touch it! Whitney Simpson’s Fully Human, Fully Divine invites us to an embodied Advent—an embracing of the concepts and ideas of the Advent season fully, with our whole selves. Christ modeled for us what it meant to be both fully human and fully divine. This Advent resource invites us to practice our humanity aware of the light of Christ within us. It challenges us to live right here, right now as we await the birth of the Christ Child, the embodiment of God’s presence.

Prayers for Courage

Words of Faith for Difficult Times (Pack of 20)  
The Upper Room
Package of 20 This booklet brings together scripture and prayers that offer words of hope, comfort, and peace during times of fear, change, and uncertainty. Created as a special edition of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, Prayers for Courage helps us rest in God's loving presence when fear invades our lives.

Attendance Registration Pads

Available in sets of 20  
Discipleship Resources
These 6" x 9" pads are available only in sets of 20. Each pad has 50 sheets. Use with the Attendance Registration Pad Cover. Place one attendance notepad in each pew. Sorry, this item is ineligible for bulk or special promotional discounts.

Mission Possible

Creative Tool Box  
Innovation is mission-critical. A great resource for missional thinking, Mission Possible: Design Thinking for Social Change is a hands-on set of tools designed to teach users about the process of design thinking (more specifically, Human-Centered Design) to create solutions that resonate with the 'end-users.' This unique resource is a facilitated workshop that plays like a game to tackle difficult social problems using the resources people already have. It relies on brainstorming, iteration,...