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Lay Pastoral Care Giving

Lay Pastoral Care Giving

by Tim M. Farabaugh
Clergy & Laity Discipleship

A distinguished historian, academic and occasional evangelist I know was hushed by his stunned wife after he said to a friend he was visiting in the hospital, "I hope you don't die." A sentiment delivered sincerely but oh-so-awkwardly.

Expressing care to someone in need—whether within the community of faith or beyond—may seem the most natural thing in the world. For some, it is; for others, it's less so. All can improve.

Learn to reach out with God's love and care for others as outlined in this practical book. Farabaugh offers a systemic path for pastoral care using the gifts of the laity in the church.

"At a district Council on Ministries' meeting, our conversation focused on the realization that most of the clergy had no assistance in the area of pastoral care and felt overwhelmed by their many, sometimes conflicting, responsibilities," writes Farabaugh. "Most of the churches did not train anyone in caring ministries. Today it is time for clergy and laity to partner in caring for one another."

Unique to this course is the ongoing training and accountability meetings outlined for those in this invaluable ministry. During the monthly meetings, participants report on what they have learned and also study aspects of caring for situations and conditions of life, such as illness, suffering, grief and loss.

Leader's Guide: Leading in Lay Pastoral Care

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-88177-554-9
Publisher: The Upper Room
Imprint: Discipleship Resources
Publication Date: 02/01/2009
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 9.0000 x 6.0000 x 0.3340

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