Gerrit Scott Dawson has been the minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Lenoir, North Carolina for thirteen years, learning the joy of the "extraordinary ordinariness" in the long-term pastorate. He is married and the father of four children. Thankful that each year's rhythm includes a contribution to Weavings, his most recent book is the forthcoming Jesus Ascended: The Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation.
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Companions in Christ Participant's Book in 1 Volume

Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available. This revised edition combines the first five Companions in Christ Participant's Books in one volume. If you're considering Companions in Christ for your church, begin with this book. This one-volume introduction to Companions in Christ moves through an uninterrupted 28-week study of five topics: spiritual formation scripture prayer vocation spiritual co...

Responding to Our Call, Participant's Book, Vol. 4

Gerrit Scott Dawson
A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available. Responding to Our Call: The Work of Christ examines the meaning of discipleship and how obedience leads to the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Reflect on Christ's call in your life and discover anew the gifts that God is giving you for living out your personal ministry. This book is the fourth segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Co...

Compañerismo en Cristo Libro del participante

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
Compañerismo en Cristo, Guía del líder también está disponible. El libro del participante incluye 28 semanas de lecturas y ejercicios dividas en 5 secciones. Los temas de cada semana son presentados por autores reconocidos quienes tienen conocimientos amplios sobre cada tema. En estos capítulos introductorios, escritores como Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele González, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson y Wendy Wright combinan el testimonio personal con lo mejor de la tradición cristian...