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Showing 131 - 140 of 511 results

Disciples Making Disciples

A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders  
Steven W. Manskar
Disciples Making Disciples: Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders by Steven W. Manskar is for pastors, Covenant Discipleship group members, and class leaders. It provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting, support groups so they help the congregation live out its mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. The book also describes the office of class leaders and how to introduce this powerful disci...

Take the Flag

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Take the Flag Enlarged Print

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Take the Flag DVD

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Building Spiritual Muscle

A Six-Week Journey to Shape a More Powerful Faith  
Sabrina N. Short, Chris Wilterdink
This six-session Bible Study and discipleship resource designed for youth will help work out their spiritual muscles and build their faith. Included in this resource are scripts for training and coaching the adult group leaders, as well as links to video clips of key speakers from the Youth 2015 event. The brief video clips will guide discussion for groups, with individuals setting their own learning and spiritual growth goals.This resource with help strengthen its users' faith and develop le...

Praying through Cancer

28 Days of Prayer  
Todd Outcalt
Our first reaction when the doctor says it's cancer: Why me? Receiving a cancer diagnosis is traumatic, both for the person diagnosed and family and friends. Todd Outcalt writes from the perspective of a husband who has accompanied his wife, a breast cancer survivor, through her cancer journey. Praying Through Cancer is a practical guide for anyone seeking strength, support, and hope for coping with cancer. This personal book addresses the raw emotions and deep questions evoked by cancer. Eac...

Worship in Light of the Cross

Meditations for Lent  
How can the cross shed light on what we do in worship and why—not just in the Lenten season but in every season? John Indermark urges us to focus on the cross, its imprint on how we worship as a community, and how it transforms our discipleship. This 6-week study inspires us to connect corporate worship with our daily lives. He organizes the daily readings according to the components of corporate worship: gathering, invocation, confession, proclamation, creed, response, and sacrament. Leade...

Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship with Youth  
Chris Wilterdink
Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers. Take advantage of a discount and purchase all three Covenant Discip...

Prepare the Way

Cultivating a Heart for God in Advent  
Throughout Advent we read and sing the words Prepare the Way as we make room to welcome the Christ child into our lives once again. We prepare our city streets and buildings. We prepare our homes and workspaces. But sometimes Advent can slip away from us before we can prepare our hearts. In this 4-week study and prayer book, Pamela Hawkins invites us to prepare our hearts through guided prayer, readings from Isaiah and Matthew, as well as brief reflections on four scriptural themes: Peace, Ju...