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Showing 401 - 410 of 511 results

The Godbearing Life

The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry  
Kenda Creasy Dean, Ron Foster
In The Godbearing Life, the authors offer a lively spiritual primer and practical guide for those who pastor young people. Dean and Foster rechart a course for youth ministry through the classical spiritual disciplines of the church. The book identifies families, congregations, and mentor relationships as the "holy ground" where young people are most likely to say "Yes!" to God.

New Beginnings DVD

The Gifts of Aging  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
How are older adults living their later years?New Beginnings looks at aging in our society and provides a glimpse at a variety of creative church ministries that are being enjoyed by older adults. Mission opportunities and teaching service abound in the stories told on film. Lives are changing, transitions are occurring, and new beginnings are taking place for countless numbers of older adults in our congregations.Filmed on location around the U.S., New Beginnings comprises individual short s...

Against the Grain

Unconventional Wisdom from Ecclesiastes  
Ray Waddle
You won't hear many sermons preached on Ecclesiastes. The plainspoken skepticism and raw weariness expressed in Ecclesiastes make many people of faith uncomfortable. But, as Waddle points out, this book is in the Bible for a reason. The message of this against-the-grain biblical voice offers an emotionally honest view of the meaning of life. "Despite his reputation, Ecclesiastes marks the surprising arrival of consolation and hope," writes Waddle. "This book is about the neglected themes of E...

Child of the Light

Walking through Advent and Christmas  
If the Christmas season has become more of a chaotic consumer ritual rather than a nurturing spiritual time, you need this brilliant "Advent survival guide"! If you set aside just 10 minutes per day, Child of the Light will help you find your quiet center amid the stressful flurry of the November/December busyness. As you read the book's brief readings inspired by the season's carols and hymns, your spirit will be lifted, and your thoughts will be redirected to the purpose of the season: pre...

Creativity and Divine Surprise

Finding the Place of Your Resurrection  
Karla M. Kincannon
Deepen your relationship with God as you discover your God-given gift of creativity. Creativity is usually defined narrowly and associated only with artists or children. "Creativity is so much more than art making," writes Kincannon. "It is a tool for navigating through everyday experiences to find the sacred in each God-given moment. Those who believe they lack creativity have relegated it to remote regions of their life, burying it under the need for security, approval, and control. However...

Exploring the Way Participant's Book

An Introduction to the Spiritual Journey  
Marjorie J. Thompson
Exploring the Way Leader's Guide is also available. Do you long for something more? Maybe you can't explain your yearning, but you want to make a difference in the world, and you're never quite satisfied with your life. You're not alone. Even people raised in church can feel disconnected from God. Exploring the Way will help you understand and deepen your experience of God. You'll be able to ask questions about issues and faith in a safe place. You'll discover (or rediscover) a way of grace,...

This Holy Mystery

A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion  
Gayle Carlton Felton
"This is the body of Christ. This is the blood of Christ." It's Communion Sunday. The service is a little longer, and the sacrament is observed with gravity. You know it's important, but the wonder is lost. What does it all mean, really? According to the results of a survey, you're not alone. United Methodists have a strong sense of the importance of Holy Communion, but they also lack a meaningful understanding of the theology behind it. Reclaim a richer sacramental life in your congregation ...

Forgiving Your Family

A Journey to Healing  
Kathleen Fischer
Why is it that the people closest to us often cause the deepest, most wrenching pain? Family can either provide restful refuge or prompt you to find it elsewhere. A quick channel-surf through daytime television illustrates that! From the petty irritation to the grievous wrong, forgiving is one of the hardest tasks families face. The gospel calls us to love and forgive others. Ironically, the closer we are to people, the harder it is to forgive them. After all, we count on these people to love...

Prayers for My Village

Translated from French by Lamar Williamson  
Michel Bouttier
This book describes the struggles Michel Bouttier faced as a young pastor. In the tradition of The Diary of a Country Priest, this book allows you to glimpse life through the eyes of Bouttier—his hopes and prayers for his community. You soon understand and relate to Bouttier's yearnings for God and his longing to be a bridge between the people in his village and God.

Exploring the Way Leader's Guide

An Introduction to the Spiritual Journey  
Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
Exploring the Way Participant's Book is available for small-group members. This user-friendly Leader's Guide provides complete guidance, content, and background material for each of the weekly meetings. Also included is general information about Christian spirituality and disciplines. It's the perfect condensed orientation to Companions in Christ! All weekly group gatherings follow the same basic outline: Opening time of welcoming, centering, and worship (5 minutes) Sharing insights from th...