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Showing 411 - 420 of 511 results

Living Your Heart's Desire

God's Call and Your Vocation  
Gregory S. Clapper
If you've ever daydreamed about alternate paths or wondered how you can find peace in today's rat race, this book is for you. You can find your true calling where God's grace and the daily grind meet. Many of us follow a seemingly arbitrary and rushed path to a paycheck. Once you're out of school, whether it's high school or college, you're expected to go to work. You work hard to pay your dues. Then, one day, you feel stuck. You feel restless and like a mercenary…the "it's just a job" mental...

The Workbook on the Beatitudes

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Want to become more Christlike in your daily life? Best-selling, father-daughter authors Dunnam and Reisman will help you do that through this 8-week study. "When we wrote our previous workbook on the 10 Commandments, we intended to add a workbook on the Beatitudes," said Dunnam and Reisman. "The 10 Commandments from Mount Sinai and the Beatitudes from the mount in Capernaum combine to provide a way to be, to walk, and to relate. They offer critical values and principles to guide our every de...

The United Methodist Way

Branson L. Thurston
A brief overview of United Methodist history, beliefs, organization, missions, and interpretation of the membership vows. Great for new members or for ongoing training. Sold only in sets of 10.

10 Gospel Promises for Later Life

Jane Marie Thibault
Is there any good news in the "Good News" for older adults? We're living longer. In fact, people 85 and older are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. Life expectancy is increasing in all developed countries in the world. With the gift of longer life, though, comes pain. The worst physical ailments and frailties may seem inconsequential when compared to the feelings of emotional and spiritual abandonment that many elders report today: "I can't relate to Jesus' message any lon...

To Walk in Integrity

Spiritual Leadership in Times of Crisis  
Stephen V. Doughty
"Naming where we see crisis can upset us," writes Doughty. "It probably ought to. Distress, at its best, creates awareness. It awakens us to where we are." The Chinese symbol for crisis reflects its dual reality: danger yet opportunity. Even as a crisis threatens, it can bring wholly unanticipated chances for personal and communal growth. At such critical junctures, you want to know you can count on the sound, discerning counsel of genuine leaders—who seem so short in supply right now. Our tr...

Enter by the Gate

Jesus' 7 Guidelines When Making Hard Choices  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Hard choices are inevitable. Whether they involve family or other relationships, a job, or your spiritual journey, some decisions aren't clear-cut or easy. The advice you seek (or that's thrust upon you by well-meaning friends) may leave you more unsure than ever. The adage "Let go, let God" is a nice notion but often not so satisfying in the midst of difficulty. If you've ever wondered whether your intuition, the advice you've received, or the direction from your church community truly refle...

Safe Sanctuaries for Children and Youth DVD

Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church  
Joy Thornburg Melton
Following up on her two bestselling Safe Sanctuaries manuals (Children and Youth), Melton now brings you a DVD to use in training and in raising awareness in your local congregation. The key segments address the "Why" and "How" of developing and implementing a policy to reduce the risk of abuse in your church, and provide necessary forms to use in the process. Also includes an interview with Joy and real-life stories from diverse congregations.

The Way of Grace Leader's Guide

Melissa Tidwell, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Grace Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Grace Leader's Guide provides all the tools you need to guide small groups through this 9-week journey. You'll reflect on "the way of grace" in our lives through the lens of 8 encounters between Jesus and various people described in John's Gospel. In the guide you'll find: An explanation of spiritual formation A description of the leadership skills called for when leading formational groups A complete ...

The Way of Grace Participant's Book

John Indermark
The Way of Grace Leader's Guide is also available. Grace is a gift. Even before we recognize its need in our lives, God extends us favor. This 9-week study in the Companions in Christ series explores the Gospel of John and how divine grace is at work in our lives today, just as it was in the lives of biblical characters 2,000 years ago. "God's grace comes to us in the distinctive shape of our personal histories, needs, and possibilities," Indermark writes. "Yet divine grace also reveals the...