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Showing 121 - 130 of 207 results

Pentecost Journey DVD

A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations  
Marigene Chamberlain, Melanie Lee Carey
Pentecost Journey: A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations is intended to help congregations, districts, and conferences fulfill Christ's mandate to make disciples, with a particular focus on helping local churches understand issues related to developing a ministry with Hispanics/Latinos. The guiding principle is the vision of Pentecost in which the uniqueness of the Hispanic/Latino cultures is affirmed as ministry is developed. The DVD contains: Three workshop planning sess...

The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation

Creating a Culture of Justpeace  
Thomas Porter
Transforming conflict into a positive rather than a negative force is a spiritual pursuit and needs to be grounded in biblical principles: love of God, neighbor, and self. This book is a resource for leaders, ministers, mediators, facilitators, and conflict transformation consultants who want to approach the work in this way. Part 1 explains how we can prepare ourselves for the work of engaging conflict. Part 2 explores how we engage others in conflict transformation, outlining specific proce...

Time Away

A Guide for Personal Retreat  
Ben Campbell Johnson, Paul H. Lang
"Come away with me and rest for a while," Jesus said to his disciples. Sometimes we need a break from our busy lives just to take time to be, but more important, to listen to God. Time Away details the joys, challenges, and benefits of a personal retreat. This book's step-by-step instructions will enable anyone—from first-timer to veteran—to make the most of dedicated time with God. Chapters cover these topics: What Is a Retreat? Why Go on a Retreat? Preparing for a Retreat Creating a Pl...

Living Our Beliefs

The United Methodist Way  
Kenneth L. Carder
You can believe anything and be a Methodist, just so long as you're sincere. Such a misperception has deep historical and cultural roots. Explore a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of the United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Uncover a deeper understanding and experience of Christian faith as you embrace the United Methodist way. "Beliefs are to be lived; doctrine is to be practiced," writes Carder in this updated edition of his 1996 bestselle...

The Most Important Space in the Church

The Nursery  
Rita B. Hays
A strong children's ministry is the foundation for the future vitality of any church—whether it is a small family community or a robust neighborhood church. In The Most Important Space in the Church, Rita Hays emphasizes that evangelism and spiritual formation begin in the nursery. It is in the nursery that many visitors first interact with church members and experience an outpouring of warmth and acceptance—known as radical hospitality. By building a rich, spiritually rooted ministry with in...

Songs of Grace

New Hymns for God and Neighbor  
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
Sing a new song! The book, Songs of Grace, includes over 70 new hymns written to be sung to the tunes of many well loved and well known hymns. The new words offer expressions of hope, celebration, and spiritual enrichment. Accompanying each new hymn is a devotion or meditation to be used in reflection of the melodic prayers. The hymns are written to celebrate the ministry of a wide range of church activities, from older adult ministries and stewardship to social justice and many other topics ...

Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers

Best Practices and Ethical Decisions  
Joy Thornburg Melton
As an attorney, Joy Thornburg Melton understands the need to educate clergy concerning basics of ethical practice within their particular leadership role in the church. She also wants to help clergy become aware of the potential traps they face: isolation, improper self-care, and lack of accountability. Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers explores three large areas of special concern to clergy: Counseling and the potential improprieties within the counseling relationship Finances and the potenti...

Not Just a One-Night Stand

Ministry with the Homeless  
Karen Vannoy, John Flowers
The story of how a church dying for more than two decades found its soul—and a new identity. In the foreword to this book, Tex Sample says: "The Christ who is Lord of the Church stands at the margins of the world. To forget either Christ as Lord or the Christ at the margins is to lose our ways as the church…In this faith-inspiring book, John Flowers and Karen Vannoy call the church again to the Christ who is Lord who appears at the margins of established, respectable life." Not Just a One-Nig...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Leader's Guide

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Does Your Church Have a Prayer? presents a model of revitalization, transformation, and discipleship for congregations to fulfill Jesus' prayer in John 17. Your church can move from maintenance to mission, from defending current realities to living into a joyful future. The authors provide pastors and church leaders with a step-by-step planning guide that will equip them for the task of leading the church in a scripturally grounded visioning and strategic ministry planning process. "Every chu...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Participant's Workbook

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Finally! A resource that guides a congregation from settling for survival to embracing joyful service. This Participant's Workbook consists of 6 weeks of Bible studies that lead to adopting a collaborative 24-month congregational action plan. Each week's study offers a prayer to open the time together, questions to encourage scriptural reflection, and questions to facilitate feedback as the congregation makes intentional decisions about its mission and ministry. A Leader's Guide is also avail...